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Encyclopedia of Native American music of North America [electronic resource] /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Keillor, Elaine, 1939-
Archambault, Tim.
Kelly, John M. H.
서명/저자사항Encyclopedia of Native American music of North America[electronic resource] /Elaine Keillor, Tim Archambault, and John M. H. Kelly.
발행사항Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood, 2013.
형태사항1 online resource (xlix, 449 p.) : ill.
ISBN9780313055065 (electronic bk.)
0313055068 (electronic bk.)

129954827X (ebk)
9781299548275 (ebk)
일반주기 Includes index.
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Regional essays: Arctic Region. Subarctic Region. Northwest Coast Region. Great Plateau Region. Plains Region. Northeastern Region. Southeastern Region. Great Basin Region. Southwest Region. California Region -- Alphabetical entries: Aerophones (flutes and whistles). AIM Song, The. Avery, Dawn. Ballard, Louis. Bell, John Kim. Blues. Brass bands. Broadcasting -- radio, television, and Internet. Buck, Sadie. Chacon, Raven. Chordophones (string instruments). Classical music performers. Concert music composers. Country and western music. Crow hop dance. Davids, Brent Michael. Drum dance. Drum group. Electronica. Ethnomusicologists. Fancy dance. Fiddling. Film music. Flute players and performances. Folkways recordings. Forty-niners. Ghost dance songs. Gospel/hymnody. Gourd dance. Guitar performers. Hard rock/heavy metal. Hip hop and rap. Hoop dance. Idiophones. Jazz. Jingle dance. Katchina songs. Kilpatrick, Jack Frederick. Love songs. Membranophones (drums). Metis national anthem. Morris, Sam. Music awards. Native American record labels. Nevaquaya, Doc Tate. New age. Owl dance. Peyote songs. Pow wow songs of northern style. Pow wow songs of southern style. Quincy, George. Rabbit dance songs. Rock 'n' roll. Round dance songs. Smoke dance. Snake dance. Sneak-up song and dance. Songwriters. Stick game (hand game) songs. Stomp dance (Muscogee/Creek). Tate, Jerod Impichchaachaaha. Throat singing. Vocables. Waila (chicken scratch music). Yeagley, David.
요약Documents the varied musical practices among Native Americans, both historically and in a modern context, and supplies an overview of their substantial contributions and influence. The entries address how ethnomusicologists with Native American heritage are revolutionizing approaches to the discipline, and showcase how musicians with Native American heritage are influencing modern musical forms including native flute, orchestral string playing, gospel, and hip hop.
일반주제명Indians of North America -- Music -- Encyclopedias.
Indian musicians -- Biography -- Dictionaries.
MUSIC / Ethnic.
MUSIC / Genres & Styles / Folk & Traditional.
기타형태 저록Print version:Keillor, Elaine, 1939-Encyclopedia of Native American music of North America.Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood, 20139780313336003


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