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Essays on America's Civil war [electronic resource] /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Hewitt, Lawrence L.
Bergeron, Arthur W.
서명/저자사항Essays on America's Civil war[electronic resource] /edited by Lawrence Lee Hewitt with Arthur W. Bergeron Jr. ; with a foreword by William L. Shea.
판사항1st ed.
발행사항Knoxville, Tenn. : University of Tennessee Press, c2013.
형태사항1 online resource (xxiii, 302 p.)
총서사항Confederate generals in the trans-Mississippi ;v. 1
The western theater in the Civil War
ISBN9781572339859 (electronic bk.)
1572339853 (electronic bk.)

서지주기Includes bibliographical references (p. 269-287) and index.
내용주기"An ultra and stupid conservatism ruined us" : general Thomas C. Hindman Jr. and the defense of Arkansas / Bobby L. Roberts -- Theophilus H. Holmes and Confederate generalship / Joseph G. Dawson III -- "To carry off the glory" : Edmund Kirby Smith in 1864 / Jeffery S. Prushankin -- Mosby Monroe Parsons : Missouri's forgotten brigadier / Bill J. Gurley -- A "gallant and prudent commander" : Major General John S. Marmaduke / Helen P. Trimpi -- "Not fortunate in war" : Major General Thomas James Churchill / Mark K. Christ -- Three days in April : Tom Green's contributions at Carroll's Mill, Mansfield, and Pleasant Hill during the Red River campaign / Curtis W. Milbourn -- Exile to submission, death to dishonor : General Joseph Orville Shelby / Stuart W. Sanders.
요약Until relatively recently, conventional wisdom held that the Trans-Mississippi Theater was a backwater of the American Civil War. Scholarship in recent decades has corrected this oversight, and a growing number of historians agree that the events west of the Mississippi River proved integral to the outcome of the war. Nevertheless, generals in the Trans-Mississippi have received little attention compared to their eastern counterparts, and many remain mere footnotes to Civil War history. This welcome volume features cutting-edge analyses of eight Southern generals in this most neglected theater-Thomas Hindman, Theophilus Holmes, Edmund Kirby Smith, Mosby Monroe Parsons, John Marmaduke, Thomas James Churchill, Thomas Green, and Joseph Orville Shelby-providing an enlightening new perspective on the Confederate high command. Although the Trans-Mississippi has long been considered a dumping ground for failed generals from other regions, the essays presented here demolish that myth, showing instead that, with a few notable exceptions, Confederate commanders west of the Mississippi were homegrown, not imported, and compared well with their more celebrated peers elsewhere. With its virtually nonexistent infrastructure, wildly unpredictable weather, and few opportunities for scavenging, the Trans-Mississippi proved a challenge for commanders on both sides of the conflict. As the contributors to this volume demonstrate, only the most creative minds could operate successfully in such an unforgiving environment. While some of these generals have been the subjects of larger studies, others, including Generals Holmes, Parsons, and Churchill, receive their first serious scholarly attention in these pages. Clearly demonstrating the independence of the Trans-Mississippi and the nuances of the military struggle there, while placing both the generals and the theater in the wider scope of the war, these eight essays offer valuable new insight into Confederate military leadership and the ever-vexing questions of how and why the South lost this most defining of American conflicts. Lawrence Lee Hewitt was professor of history at Southeastern Louisiana University. He is the coeditor, with Bruce S. Allardice, of Kentuckians in Gray: Confederate Generals and Field Officers of the Bluegrass State. He and Arthur W. Bergeron Jr. coedited three volumes of Confederate Generals in the Western Theater. Until his death in 2010, Arthur W. Bergeron Jr. was a reference historian with the United States Army Military History Institute. He was the author of Confederate Mobile, 1861-1865, and coeditor, with Lawrence Lee Hewitt, of Louisianians in the Civil War. Thomas E. Schott worked for many years as a historian for the U. S. Air Force and U. S. Special Operations Command. He is the author of Alexander H. Stephens of Georgia, which won the Jefferson Davis Award. He has authored numerous articles on subjects ranging from the Civil War to baseball. Schott is co-editor, with Lawrence Lee Hewitt, of Lee and His Generals: Essays in Honor of T. Harry Williams.
주제명(단체명)Confederate States of America. -- Army. -- Trans-Mississippi Department.
일반주제명Generals -- Confederate States of America -- Biography.
Command of troops -- History -- 19th century.
HISTORY / General.
주제명(지명)Southwest, Old -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Campaigns.Missouri -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Campaigns.
기타형태 저록Print version:Confederate generals in the trans-Mississippi.1st ed.Knoxville, Tenn. : University of Tennessee Press, c20139781572338661


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