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Ricoeur, Literature and Imagination /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Vlacos, Sophie.
서명/저자사항Ricoeur, Literature and Imagination /Sophie Vlacos.
형태사항1 online resource.
ISBN9781441119551 (electronic bk.)
1441119558 (electronic bk.)

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Machine generated contents note: -- PrefaceIntroduction: Mediation, Moderation And Bias Chapter One: Ricoeur At Nanterre 1.1 Ricoeur at Nanterre 1.2 The Decline of Existentialism 1.3 Structuralism and the Ricoeurian Critique 1.4 Textualism 1.5 "Returning the Sign to the Universe"; Benveniste and the Ricoeurian Departure Chapter Two: Hermeneutics and the Romantic Prejudice2.1 The Romantic Prejudice 2.2 A "Misguided Kantianism" and the Hermeneutical Critique 2.3 The New Critical Heritage Chapter Three: Hermeneutics and Ontology3.1 Ricoeur and Ontology 3.2 Being and Time; Hermeneutic Phenomenology 3.3 Heidegger's French Receptions 3.4 France and the "Heidegger Question" 3.5 Poetic Freedom of Another Kind 3.6 Ricoeur's Critique of Heidegger Chapter Four: The Poetry of Reason: Ricoeur and the Theoretical Imagination4.1 Interpretation and the Semantics of Discourse 4.2 "The Symbol Gives Rise to Thought" 4.3 Metaphor and the Question of Philosophy 4.4 Speculative Discourse and Critical AutonomyChapter Five: The ethics of Imagination5.1 Ethical Turns in Philosophy and Literature5.2 Wisdom and Poetry; Phronesis and Poiesis5.3 "...we have never lived enough": Nussbaum's Literary Ethics5.4 Towards a Poetics of Will: The Ontological and Imaginative Significance of Narrative5.5 Narrative Emplotment as Transcendental Schema Made Visible5.6 Narrative Identity and the Ethics of Selfhood5.7 "Je est un Autre": Ricoeur, Poststructural Modernist BibliographyIndex.
요약""To explain more is to understand better". This is the mantra by which French philosopher Paul Ricoeur lived and worked, establishing himself as one of the twentieth century's most lucid and broad-ranging critical thinkers. A prisoner of war at 27, Ricoeur was also Dean of Paris X Nanterre during the student disturbances of 1968. In later years he became an outspoken champion of social justice. In work as in life, Ricoeur was committed to the challenges of conflict and the prospect of authentic resolution. Deeply indebted to phenomenology and the hermeneutical tradition of Heidegger and Gadamer, Ricoeur was also an advocate of structural linguistics, of psychoanalysis, and a rare conversant with the Anglo-American analytic tradition. This volume explores how literature and the conflicts of literary-theoretical debate inform Ricoeur's theory of imagination and understanding, and how Ricoeur's unique mode of literary reflection resolves the conflicts of literature's theoretical heyday, presaging a new direction for literary studies"--
요약"A critical history of Ricoeur and his relationship to literary theories, past, present and future"--
주제명(개인명)Ric흹ur, PaulCriticism and interpretation.
일반주제명Literature -- Philosophy.
LITERARY CRITICISM / Semiotics & Theory.
PHILOSOPHY / History & Surveys / Modern.
기타형태 저록Print version:Vlacos, Sophie.Ricoeur, Literature and Imagination9781441135384


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