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Developing Mobile Games with Moai SDK [electronic resource].

상세 프로파일

개인저자Tufro?, Francisco.
서명/저자사항Developing Mobile Games with Moai SDK[electronic resource].
발행사항Birmingham : Packt Pub., 2013.
형태사항1 online resource (274 p.)
ISBN9781782165071 (electronic bk.)
178216507X (electronic bk.)

내용주기Table of Contents; Developing Mobile Games with Moai SDK; Developing Mobile Games with Moai SDK; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewers; www.PacktPub.com; Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more; Why Subscribe?; Free Access for Packt account holders; Preface; What this book covers; What you need for this book; Who this book is for; Conventions; Reader feedback; Customer support; Downloading the example code; Errata; Piracy; Questions; 1. Why Moai SDK?; Multi-platform development; Why Moai SDK?; Summary; 2. Installing Moai SDK; Getting the latest stable build.
Setting up the environmentWindows; Mac OS X; GNU/Linux; Running samples; Summary; 3. Basic Moai SDK Concepts; The Moai SDK Runtime; Input Queue; Action Tree; Node Graph; Rendering; Moai Hosts; Lua and C++; Summary; 4. Our First Game with Moai; Concentration; Project setup; Opening a window; Resolution independence; Summary; 5. Showing Images on the Screen; Introduction to Decks and Props; Our first image; Coordinate systems; Window/Screen coordinates; World coordinates; Model coordinates; Blend modes; Summary; 6. Resource Manager; Resource definitions; Resource manager; Getter; Loader; Images.
Tiled imagesFonts; Sounds; Exercises; Summary; 7. Concentration Gameplay; Grid; Tilemaps; The implementation; Input; Gameplay; Initialization; Input processing; Choosing a cell; Tile swapping; Resetting tiles; Removing tiles; Other auxiliary methods; Summary; 8. Let's Build a Platformer!; Background; Camera and scrolling; Parallax; Setting up the layers; Adding images to the different distances; Main character; Animations; Summary; 9. Real-world Physics with Box2D; Creating the world; Box2D body types; Character versus the world; Movement; Keyboard input; Creating the scene; Exercises.
요약10. Creating a HUD; The basics; Left or right, that's the question; Updating information; Summary; 11. Let the Right Music In!; Audio manager; Background music; Sound effects; Summary; 12. iOS Deployment; Xcode project; The host; Running an example; Setting up our own project; Pointing to the correct source code; Fixing source paths; Fixing include paths; Fixing linked libraries; Going multi-platform; Running on the device; Summary; 13. Deployment to Other Platforms; Windows; Mac OS X; Android; Google Chrome (native client); Linux; Summary; Index.
요약A normal step-by-step tutorial with two sample games built in, to teach Moai SDK from scratch. This book is for anyone who wants to build games, especially if they want to quickly iterate using a scripting language like Lua, and they're targeting more than one platform. All of this without having to spend your salary on licenses. Moai SDK is aimed to professionals, but it has a great community that will help you learn and be a part of it.
일반주제명Windows phone (Computer file)
Application software -- Development.
Mobile computing.
Mobile games.
COMPUTERS / Hardware / Personal Computers / Macintosh.
COMPUTERS / Hardware / Personal Computers / PCs.
기타형태 저록Print version:Tufro?, FranciscoDeveloping Mobile Games with Moai SDKBirmingham : Packt Publishing, c20139781782165064


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