자료유형 | E-Book |
개인저자 | Mason, Ashley Elizabeth. |
단체저자명 | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Occupational Science. |
서명/저자사항 | Mealtime Experiences and Activities: An Ethnography from the Children's Perspective. |
발행사항 | [S.l.] : The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill., 2018 |
발행사항 | Ann Arbor : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2018 |
형태사항 | 284 p. |
소장본 주기 | School code: 0153. |
ISBN | 9780438063044 |
일반주기 |
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 79-10(E), Section: B.
Adviser: Ruth A. Humphry. |
요약 | This dissertation reports findings from a 9-month collaborative ethnographic study of children's mealtime experiences and activities in two different settings. Methods included conversations and interviews, participant observation, photo elicita |
요약 | I suggest the following as implications for occupational science: the need to explore more occupations in-depth from populations other than the White middle-class adult female |
일반주제명 | Occupational therapy. Behavioral psychology. Social research. |
언어 | 영어 |
기본자료 저록 | Dissertation Abstracts International79-10B(E). Dissertation Abstract International |
대출바로가기 | http://www.riss.kr/pdu/ddodLink.do?id=T14997390 |
No. | 등록번호 | 청구기호 | 소장처 | 도서상태 | 반납예정일 | 예약 | 서비스 | 매체정보 |
1 | WE00026809 | DP 615.8515 | 가야대학교/전자책서버(컴퓨터서버)/ | 대출불가(별치) |