자료유형 | E-Book |
개인저자 | Eppsteiner, Holly Straut. |
단체저자명 | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Sociology. |
서명/저자사항 | Constrained Choices: Latina Immigrants Negotiating Work, Family, and Legality in the New South. |
발행사항 | [S.l.] : The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill., 2018 |
발행사항 | Ann Arbor : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2018 |
형태사항 | 257 p. |
소장본 주기 | School code: 0153. |
ISBN | 9780438033849 |
일반주기 |
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 79-10(E), Section: A.
Adviser: Jacqueline M. Hagan. |
요약 | Undocumented people are often described as living and working "in the shadows." This framing identifies the illegality of migrants as an individual characteristic. Yet federal, state, and local policies are structural features that shape the mea |
요약 | Latinas have increasingly joined migration streams and now constitute 46 percent of unauthorized people in the United States. In this dissertation, I identify the constraints and opportunities for Latina immigrant workers in North Carolina, a ne |
요약 | In response to these constraints, women turned to work in so-called "nonstandard" employment relationships such as subcontracted work and self-employment. In some cases, these arrangements represent a survival strategy associated with exploitati |
일반주제명 | Sociology. |
언어 | 영어 |
기본자료 저록 | Dissertation Abstracts International79-10A(E). Dissertation Abstract International |
대출바로가기 | http://www.riss.kr/pdu/ddodLink.do?id=T14997176 |
No. | 등록번호 | 청구기호 | 소장처 | 도서상태 | 반납예정일 | 예약 | 서비스 | 매체정보 |
1 | WE00026596 | DP 301 | 가야대학교/전자책서버(컴퓨터서버)/ | 대출불가(별치) |