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Cardiovascular Structure and Function in Adolescents Born Preterm

상세 프로파일

개인저자Haraldsdottir, Kristin.
단체저자명The University of Wisconsin - Madison. Kinesiology.
서명/저자사항Cardiovascular Structure and Function in Adolescents Born Preterm.
발행사항[S.l.] : The University of Wisconsin - Madison., 2018
발행사항Ann Arbor : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2018
형태사항169 p.
소장본 주기School code: 0262.
일반주기 Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 80-01(E), Section: B.
Adviser: Marlowe W. Eldridge.
요약Introduction: Preterm birth disrupts the development of vital organ systems. Recent evidence demonstrates that young adults born preterm have higher incidence of hypertension, cardiac dysfunction, autonomic dysfunction, and exercise intolerance. This dissertation sought to determine exercise capacity, autonomic function and cardiac structure and function in adolescents born preterm. This dissertation hypothesized that adolescents born prematurely would have lower exercise capacity, muscular strength and power compared with age-matched controls, exhibit altered autonomic function, and that adolescents born prematurely would exhibit a blunted SV response to exercise, impaired diastolic function at rest, cardiac hypertrophy and lower ejection fractions compared to term-born controls.
요약Methods: 21 preterm-born and 20 term-born adolescents born in 2003 and 2004 completed the study. Participants underwent progressive maximal metabolic exercise testing. Resting heart rate variability and heart rate recovery following maximal exercise were determined to assess autonomic function. Resting and exercise cardiac structure and function measurements were acquired by cardiac MRI using a 3-T GE scanner.
요약Results: Preterm-born adolescents had lower absolute maximal aerobic capacity than term-born adolescents and lower maximal power, despite similar physical activity scores. Muscular strength was similar between groups, and preterm adolescents had significantly lower cardiac output at 50, 75 and 100% of maximal exercise effort, driven by lower stroke volume. Preterm-born subjects had lower time-domain HRV. HRR after maximal exercise was slower in preterm-born subjects at one and two minutes.
요약Conclusions: This dissertation is the most comprehensive analysis of factors that impact exercise capacity, and its findings suggest two potential mechanisms driving impaired exercise capacity in preterm born individuals. First, the finding of lower HRV and HRR suggest impaired autonomic function, which could lead to diminished contractility of the heart in response to increasing demand. Second, our finding of a lower end diastolic volume with a lower diastolic circumferential strain velocity suggests a potential diastolic dysfunction, which would limit the ability of the ventricles to increase EDV as HR increases in response to exercise, thus resulting in lower SV reserve. These data will significantly contribute to our understanding of the development of the preterm cardiovascular system, autonomic nervous system, and heart into adolescence.
기본자료 저록Dissertation Abstracts International80-01B(E).
Dissertation Abstract International


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