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Navigating the energy transition in the Gulf of Mexico /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Su, Yee San, rapporteur.
단체저자명National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Gulf Offshore Energy Safety Board,issuing body.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Gulf Research Program,issuing body.
서명/저자사항Navigating the energy transition in the Gulf of Mexico /National Academies, Sciences, Engineering, Medicine ; Yee San Su, rapporteur ; Gulf Offshore Energy Safety Board ; Gulf Research Program.
형태사항1 online resource (xvi, 108 pages) : color illustrations.
소장본 주기WorldCat record variable field(s) change: 082

일반주기 "Proceedings of a Workshop"
서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기Summary -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Workshop Results -- 3 Final Remarks -- 4 Beyond the Event -- Appendix A: Game Scenarios -- Appendix B: Workshop Agenda -- Appendix C: Workshop Participants -- Appendix D: Biographical Sketches of Planning Committee Members -- Appendix E: Additional Impacts.
요약"Today, with a changing climate putting pressure on communities and ecosystems worldwide, goals for a carbon-neutral economy mean that renewable and low-carbon energy sources are being presented as solutions. While these cleaner energy sources have the potential to reduce risk to the environment and bring energy security closer to a reality, questions remain about the stability of the energy supply chain, the ability to meet energy demand reliably, and the best ways to produce fair and equitable outcomes in an energy transition. To serve as a catalyst for developing new insights and coordination around the energy transition, the Gulf Research Program at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a 2-day workshop in Washington, DC, called Navigating the Energy Transition in the Gulf of Mexico. Based around two scenarios in the year 2050 - one in which a carbon neutral economy is achieved and another in which robust dependence on fossil fuels remains - this serious gaming event stimulated the sharing of ideas, concerns, and cascading impacts from participants across academia, industry, government, and Gulf communities. This publication summarizes the activities, presentations, and discussion of the workshop."
일반주제명Energy transition -- Mexico, Gulf of -- Congresses.
Renewable energy sources -- Mexico, Gulf of -- Congresses.
Energy transition -- Mexico, Gulf of -- Simulation games -- Congresses.
Global warming -- Mexico, Gulf of -- Simulation games -- Congresses.
Power resources -- Mexico, Gulf of -- Simulation games -- Congresses.
Energy policy -- Mexico, Gulf of -- Congresses.
Energy policy -- United States -- Congresses.
Transition e?nerge?tique -- Mexique, Golfe du -- Congre?s.
E?nergies renouvelables -- Mexique, Golfe du -- Congre?s.
Transition e?nerge?tique -- Jeux de simulation -- Mexique, Golfe du -- Congre?s.
Re?chauffement de la Terre -- Jeux de simulation -- Mexique, Golfe du -- Congre?s.
Ressources e?nerge?tiques -- Jeux de simulation -- Mexique, Golfe du -- Congre?s.
Politique e?nerge?tique -- Mexique, Golfe du -- Congre?s.
Politique e?nerge?tique -- E?tats-Unis -- Congre?s.
기타형태 저록Print version:Su, Yee San.Navigating the energy transition in the Gulf of Mexico.Washington, DC : National Academies Press, [2023]9780309704762


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