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A study of literary trends in China since the 1980s : the revival of classical and modern literature / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Sun, Teresa Chi-Ching, author.
서명/저자사항A study of literary trends in China since the 1980s :the revival of classical and modern literature /Teresa Chi-Ching Sun.[electronic resource]
발행사항Lanham : Hamilton Books, [2019]
형태사항1 online resource (xiii, 71 pages)
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 072, 082 - OCLC control number change

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Introduction: The CEE as a reflection of changing Chinese politics -- A brief history of Chinese literature and politics from the end of the Imperial period to the 1980s -- The rise and reversal of communism as reflected on the CEE (1950-1980) -- The progression of revival : Chinese literature after 1980 -- The CEE and the scientific turn -- Conclusion: China's rennaisance and its global future.
요약This book intends to trace the revival of traditional literary works since the 1980s in China as it is revealed on the revitalized College Entrance Examination (CEE). In order to show how these changes reflect China's altering ideology after the fall of Communism, selections from the CEE's literary portion will be examined. Taking advantage of the resurrection of the powerful CEE, test creators have composed the literary portion as an education tool to shape public opinion in the post-Communist era. Literature in China have never been an independent art but had shared the responsibility for transmitting China's intellectual and ethical traditions. The introduction of Communism to China silenced these traditions and made literature the servant of political ideology. This book traces the chronological process of restoring modern vernacular literature from the pre-Communist era and the ways in which traditional literature is being used for modern purposes. For many Chinese intellectuals, the gradual withdrawal of literature for serving political causes and the reinstatement of classical literature and early vernacular works to on the CEE bring to light the recovery of the aesthetic literary tradition and a return to normalcy. When students take the CEE, they not only mentally scrutinize literature that they first read during their secondary education, but also experience an assertive presentation of current Chinese cultural values and outlooks on life. This study argues that in the post-1980s CEE literary selections, students experience a variety of texts that summon up China's pre-Communist literary tradition in order to serve as an intellectual guiding light for future social development. For those interested in comparative higher education, a particular area of interest may be the book's singular consideration of the science and technology passages in connection with the restructuring of higher education in China as a remedy of China's cultural tradition
요약This book traces the revival of Chinese literature after China's reform in the 1980s, examining the literature and language portion of the College Entrance Examination (CEE) from 1954-2007 in order to show how the restoration of Classical literature in its original meaning has replaced literature that served Communist political ideology.
일반주제명Chinese literature -- 20th century -- History and criticism.
Chinese literature -- 21st century -- History and criticism.
Gaokao (Educational test) -- History.
Politics and literature -- China -- History -- 20th century.
Politics and literature -- China -- History -- 21st century.
Chinese literature.
LITERARY CRITICISM -- Asian -- General.
주제명(지명)China -- Intellectual life -- 20th century.China -- Intellectual life -- 21st century.
기타형태 저록Print version:A study of literary trends in China since the 1980sLanham : Hamilton Books, [2019]9780761871088


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