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Pal Joey : the history of a heel / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Lindberg, Julianne, author.
서명/저자사항Pal Joey :the history of a heel /Julianne Lindberg.[electronic resource]
발행사항New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2020]
형태사항1 online resource (287 pages) : illustrations
총서사항Broadway Legacies Series
소장본 주기OCLC control number change

9780190051235 (ebook)
019005123X (ebook)

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Introduction: "a foul well" -- O'Hara, the heel: from short story to script -- Rodgers and Hart's boldest venture: working relationships and collaborative processes -- Digging for dirt: inside the club -- I could write a book (musical): the book numbers -- The women of Pal Joey -- Joey dances -- History of a heel: the 1952 revival -- Pal Joey goes to Hollywood.
요약"The History of a Heel chronicles the genesis, influence, and significance of Rodgers and Hart's classic musical comedy Pal Joey (1940). When Pal Joey opened at the Barrymore on Christmas day, 1940, it flew in the face of musical comedy convention. The characters and situation were depraved. The setting was caustically realistic. Its female lead was frankly sexual and yet not purely comic. A narratively-driven dream ballet closed the first act, begging audiences to take seriously the inner life and desires of a confirmed heel. Although the show appears on many top-ten lists surveying the so-called "Golden Age," it is a controversial classic; its legacy is tied both to the fashionable scandal that it provoked, and, retrospectively, to the uncommon attention it paid to characterization and narrative cohesion. Through an archive-driven investigation of the show and its music, History of a Heel offers insight into the historical moment during which Joey was born, and to the process of genre classification, canon formation, and the ensuing critical debates related to musical and theatrical maturity. More broadly, I argue that the critique and commentary on class and gender conventions in Pal Joey reveals a uniquely American concern over status, class mobility, and progressive gender roles in the pre-war eraThe History of a Heel chronicles the genesis, influence, and significance of Rodgers and Hart's classic musical comedy Pal Joey (1940). When Pal Joey opened at the Barrymore on Christmas day, 1940, it flew in the face of musical comedy convention. The characters and situation were depraved. The setting was caustically realistic. Its female lead was frankly sexual and yet not purely comic. A narratively-driven dream ballet closed the first act, begging audiences to take seriously the inner life and desires of a confirmed heel. Although the show appears on many top-ten lists surveying the so-called "Golden Age," it is a controversial classic; its legacy is tied both to the fashionable scandal that it provoked, and, retrospectively, to the uncommon attention it paid to characterization and narrative cohesion. Through an archive-driven investigation of the show and its music, History of a Heel offers insight into the historical moment during which Joey was born, and to the process of genre classification, canon formation, and the ensuing critical debates related to musical and theatrical maturity. More broadly, I argue that the critique and commentary on class and gender conventions in Pal Joey reveals a uniquely American concern over status, class mobility, and progressive gender roles in the pre-war era"--Publisher's description.
주제명(개인명)Rodgers, Richard, -- Pal Joey.1902-1979. --
일반주제명Musicals -- History and criticism.
기타형태 저록Print version:Lindberg, Julianne.Pal Joey.New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2020]0190051205


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