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Foretelling the end of capitalism : intellectual misadventures since Karl Marx [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Boldizzoni, Francesco, 1979-, author.
서명/저자사항Foretelling the end of capitalism :intellectual misadventures since Karl MarxFrancesco Boldizzoni[electronic resource]
발행사항Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, [2020]
형태사항1 online resource (326 pages)
소장본 주기WorldCat record variable field(s) change: 072

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index
내용주기Sitting on the edge of Apocalypse -- The interwar revival of prophecy -- Hopes betrayed -- The end of history and what followed -- Wanderings of the predictive mind -- How capitalism survives
요약"Prophecies about the end of capitalism are as old as capitalism. None of them, so far, has come true. Yet we keep looking into the crystal ball in search of harbingers of doom. Francesco Boldizzoni gets to the root of the very human need to imagine a better world and uncovers the mechanisms by which the same forecasting mistakes are made over and over again. He offers a compelling solution to the puzzle of what is capitalism and why it seems able to survive all sorts of shocks. The global crisis that developed countries faced at the beginning of the twenty-first century has undermined faith in the capitalist market economy bringing once again to the forefront questions about its long-term prospects. Is capitalism on its way out? If not, what should be expected from future crises? Will society be able and willing to bear the social and environmental costs of creative destruction and relentless financialization? These and other questions have lain at the heart of political economy since the age of Karl Marx. Foretelling the End of Capitalism takes us on a journey through two centuries of unfulfilled prophecies to challenge the belief in an immutable destiny"--
요약Intellectuals since the Industrial Revolution have been obsessed with whether, when, and why capitalism will collapse. This riveting account of two centuries of failed forecasts of doom reveals the key to capitalism's durability. Prophecies about the end of capitalism are as old as capitalism itself. None have come true. Yet, whether out of hope or fear, we keep looking for harbingers of doom. In Foretelling the End of Capitalism, Francesco Boldizzoni gets to the root of the human need to imagine a different and better world and offers a compelling solution to the puzzle of why capitalism has been able to survive so many shocks and setbacks. Capitalism entered the twenty-first century triumphant, its communist rival consigned to the past. But the Great Recession and worsening inequality have undermined faith in its stability and revived questions about its long-term prospects. Is capitalism on its way out? If so, what might replace it? And if it does endure, how will it cope with future social and environmental crises and the inevitable costs of creative destruction? Boldizzoni shows that these and other questions have stood at the heart of much analysis and speculation from the early socialists and Karl Marx to the Occupy Movement. Capitalism has survived predictions of its demise not, as many think, because of its economic efficiency or any intrinsic virtues of markets but because it is ingrained in the hierarchical and individualistic structure of modern Western societies. Foretelling the End of Capitalism takes us on a fascinating journey through two centuries of unfulfilled prophecies. An intellectual tour de force and a plea for political action, it will change our understanding of the economic system that determines the fabric of our lives
일반주제명Capitalism -- History.
Economic history.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Economic History
Economic history
기타형태 저록Print version:Boldizzoni, Francesco, 1979-Foretelling the end of capitalismCambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 20209780674919327


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