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100 questions and answers about muscular dystrophy [electronic resource].

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항100 questions and answers about muscular dystrophy[electronic resource].
발행사항[Place of publication not identified] : JONES & BARTLETT LEARNING, 2019.
형태사항1 online resource
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 050, 082, 650 - OCLC control number change

내용주기Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Contents -- Preface -- Part One: The Basics -- 1. What is muscular dystrophy? -- 2. What are the initial signs of muscular dystrophy? -- 3. How is muscular dystrophy diagnosed? -- 4. How do I find good medical care? -- 5. What should I expect at a neurology appointment? -- 6. How can I connect with other families affected with muscular dystrophy? -- Part Two: Genetics -- 7. How did I get this disease? -- 8. Should I have genetic testing? -- 9. What kinds of genetic testing are available? -- 10. What is exome sequencing?
11. Can I pass muscular dystrophy on to my children? -- 12. Should my child have genetic testing? -- 13. How do I tell my child that he or she has muscular dystrophy? -- 14. How can I find a genetic counselor? -- Part Three: Keeping Muscles Strong -- 15. Why are my muscles weak? -- 16. How weak will I get? -- 17. Is it safe to exercise? -- 18. What are the goals of physical therapy? -- 19. What is occupational therapy? -- 20. Are supplements for muscles effective and safe to take? -- 21. Do corticosteroids help? -- 22. Does testosterone make muscle stronger? -- 23. What about bracing?
24. What are some general rules regarding stretching? -- Part Four: New Therapeutic Options -- 25. What is exon skipping? -- 26. What is gene therapy? -- 27. What is genome editing? -- 28. What are stem cells? -- 29. What is a clinical trial? -- 30. How do I find a clinical trial in which to participate? -- 31. How do I qualify for a clinical trial? -- 32. What's involved in a muscle biopsy? -- Part Five: Breathing -- 33. Should I get the influenza vaccine and other recommended vaccines? -- 34. What is spirometry? -- 35. What is cough assist?
36. When should I start using nighttime ventilatory support? -- 37. What's the difference between BIPAP and CPAP? -- 38. What are the advantages and disadvantages of noninvasive mechanical ventilation? -- 39. What is a sip and puff ventilator? -- 40. What are the advantages and disadvantages of invasive mechanical ventilation? -- 41. What are some things to remember when going to the emergency department? -- Part Six: The Heart -- 42. Why do I need an electrocardiogram? -- 43. What is an echocardiogram? -- 44. How can I protect my heart? -- 45. What is a pacemaker?
46. What is an implantable cardioverter defibrillator? -- 47. What are advance directives? -- Part Seven: Eating and Nutrition -- 48. What are some nutritional recommendations? -- 49. What is a healthy weight? -- 50. Does alcohol affect muscles? -- 51. What's involved in a swallowing study? -- 52. What is a gastrostomy tube? -- 53. Is constipation a symptom of muscular dystrophy? -- Part Eight: Bone Health -- 54. What is a DEXA scan? -- 55. How can I improve my bone density? -- 56. How much vitamin D should I take? -- 57. I've had a fracture-now what? -- Part Nine: Mental Health
일반주제명Muscular dystrophy -- Miscellanea.
Muscular dystrophy
기타형태 저록Original128420166X9781284201666


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