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Python feature engineering cookbook : over 70 recipes for creating, engineering, and transforming features to build machine learning models /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Galli, Soledad, author.
서명/저자사항Python feature engineering cookbook :over 70 recipes for creating, engineering, and transforming features to build machine learning models /Soledad Galli.
발행사항Birmingham, UK : Packt Publishing, 2020.
형태사항1 online resource (1 volume) : illustrations
소장본 주기OCLC control number change

서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기Preface -- Foreseeing Variable Problems When Building ML Models -- Imputing Missing Data -- Encoding Categorical Variables -- Transforming Numerical Variables -- Performing Variable Discretization -- Working with Outliers -- Deriving Features from Dates and Time Variables -- Performing Feature Scaling -- Applying Mathematical Computations to Features -- Creating Features with Transactional and Time Series Data -- Extracting Features from Text Variables
요약"Extract accurate information from data to train and improve machine learning models using NumPy, SciPy, pandas, and scikit-learn libraries Key Features Discover solutions for feature generation, feature extraction, and feature selection Uncover the end-to-end feature engineering process across continuous, discrete, and unstructured datasets Implement modern feature extraction techniques using Python's pandas, scikit-learn, SciPy and NumPy libraries Book Description Feature engineering is invaluable for developing and enriching your machine learning models. In this cookbook, you will work with the best tools to streamline your feature engineering pipelines and techniques and simplify and improve the quality of your code. Using Python libraries such as pandas, scikit-learn, Featuretools, and Feature-engine, you'll learn how to work with both continuous and discrete datasets and be able to transform features from unstructured datasets. You will develop the skills necessary to select the best features as well as the most suitable extraction techniques. This book will cover Python recipes that will help you automate feature engineering to simplify complex processes. You'll also get to grips with different feature engineering strategies, such as the box-cox transform, power transform, and log transform across machine learning, reinforcement learning, and natural language processing (NLP) domains. By the end of this book, you'll have discovered tips and practical solutions to all of your feature engineering problems. What you will learn Simplify your feature engineering pipelines with powerful Python packages Get to grips with imputing missing values Encode categorical variables with a wide set of techniques Extract insights from text quickly and effortlessly Develop features from transactional data and time series data Derive new features by combining existing variables Understand how to transform, discretize, and scale your variables Create informative variables from date and time Who this book is for This book is for machine learning professionals, AI engineers, data scientists, and NLP and reinforcement learning engineers who want to optimize and enrich their machine learning models with the best features. Knowledge of machine learning and Python coding will assist you with understanding the concepts covered in this book."- from eBook Central.
일반주제명Python (Computer program language)
Application software -- Development.
Machine learning.
Machine learning.
Python (Computer program language)
기타형태 저록Print version:Galli, Soledad.Python Feature Engineering Cookbook : Over 70 Recipes for Creating, Engineering, and Transforming Features to Build Machine Learning Models.Birmingham : Packt Publishing, Limited, 짤20209781789806311


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