자료유형 | E-Book |
개인저자 | Alejano-Steele, AnnJanette, editor. |
서명/저자사항 | Women and health :global lives in focus /AnnJanette Alejano-Steele, editor. |
발행사항 | Santa Barbara, California : ABC-CLIO, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, [2020] |
발행예정일자 | 1911 |
형태사항 | 1 online resource. |
총서사항 | Women and society around the world |
소장본 주기 | Added to collection customer.56279.3 |
ISBN | 1440862001 9781440862007 |
서지주기 | Includes bibliographical references and index. |
내용주기 | North America -- Latin America and the Caribbean -- Europe -- North Africa and the Middle East -- Sub-Saharan Africa -- Central and East Asia -- South and Southeast Asia -- Oceania. |
요약 | "This volume on global women's health provides a broad overview of many conditions that impact women's health, including social and economic inequities and examples of health advocacy"-- |
일반주제명 | Women -- Health and hygiene. World health. Women -- Health and hygiene. World health. |
언어 | 영어 |
기타형태 저록 | Print version:Women and healthSanta Barbara, California : ABC-CLIO, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, [2020]9781440861994 |
대출바로가기 | http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&scope=site&db=nlebk&db=nlabk&AN=2287213 |
No. | 등록번호 | 청구기호 | 소장처 | 도서상태 | 반납예정일 | 예약 | 서비스 | 매체정보 |
1 | WE00018255 | 613/.04244 | 가야대학교/전자책서버(컴퓨터서버)/ | 대출가능 |
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