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The forging of bureaucratic autonomy : reputations, networks, and policy innovation in executive agencies, 1862-1928 /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Carpenter, Daniel P., 1967-
서명/저자사항The forging of bureaucratic autonomy :reputations, networks, and policy innovation in executive agencies, 1862-1928 /Daniel P. Carpenter.
발행사항Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 짤2001.
형태사항1 online resource (xvi, 479 pages) : illustrations.
총서사항Princeton studies in American politics
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Entrepreneurship, networked legitimacy, and autonomy -- The clerical state: obstacles to bureaucratic autonomy in nineteenth-century America -- The Railway Mail, Comstockery, and the waning of the old postal regime, 1862-94 -- Organizational renewal and policy innovation in the National Postal System, 1890-1910 -- The triumph of the moral economy: finance, parcels, and the labor dilemma in the post office, 1908-24 -- Science in the service of seeds: the USDA, 1862-1900 -- From seeds to science: the USDA as university, 1897-1917 -- Multiple networks and the autonomy of bureaus: departures in food, pharmaceutical, and forestry policy, 1897-1913 -- Brokerage and bureaucratic policymaking: the cementing of autonomy at the USDA, 1914-28 -- Structure, reputation, and the bureaucratic failure of reclamation policy, 1902-14 -- Conclusion: the politics of bureaucratic autonomy.
요약Until now political scientists have devoted little attention to the origins of American bureaucracy and the relationship between bureaucratic and interest group politics. In this pioneering book, Daniel Carpenter contributes to our understanding of institutions by presenting a unified study of bureaucratic autonomy in democratic regimes. He focuses on the emergence of bureaucratic policy innovation in the United States during the Progressive Era, asking why the Post Office Department and the Department of Agriculture became politically independent authors of new policy and why the Interior Department did not. To explain these developments, Carpenter offers a new theory of bureaucratic autonomy grounded in organization theory, rational choice models, and network concepts. According to the author, bureaucracies with unique goals achieve autonomy when their middle-level officials establish reputations among diverse coalitions for effectively providing unique services. These coalitions enable agencies to resist political control and make it costly for politicians to ignore the agencies' ideas. Carpenter assesses his argument through a highly innovative combination of historical narratives, statistical analyses, counterfactuals, and carefully structured policy comparisons. Along the way, he reinterprets the rise of national food and drug regulation, Comstockery and the Progressive anti-vice movement, the emergence of American conservation policy, the ascent of the farm lobby, the creation of postal savings banks and free rural mail delivery, and even the congressional Cannon Revolt of 1910.
주제명(단체명)United States. -- Congress -- History.
United States. -- Congress -- History.
E?tats-Unis. -- Congress -- Histoire.
United States. -- Congress. -- fast --
일반주제명Executive departments -- United States -- History.
Bureaucracy -- United States -- History.
Government executives -- United States -- History.
Political planning -- United States -- History.
Ministe?res -- E?tats-Unis -- Histoire.
Bureaucratie -- E?tats-Unis -- Histoire.
Hauts fonctionnaires -- E?tats-Unis -- Histoire.
Politique publique -- E?tats-Unis -- Histoire.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / History & Theory
Executive departments.
Government executives.
Political planning.
주제명(지명)United States. -- fastUSA -- gndUSA. -- swd
기타형태 저록Print version:Carpenter, Daniel P., 1967-Forging of bureaucratic autonomy.Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 짤20010691070091


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