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Mastering MongoDB 4.x : Expert Techniques to Run High-Volume and Fault-tolerant Database Solutions Using MongoDB 4.x /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Giamas, Alex.
서명/저자사항Mastering MongoDB 4.x :Expert Techniques to Run High-Volume and Fault-tolerant Database Solutions Using MongoDB 4.x /Alex Giamas.
판사항2nd ed.
발행사항Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 2019.
형태사항1 online resource (384 pages)
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3
일반주기 Best practices
내용주기Intro; Title Page; Copyright and Credits; About Packt; Contributors; Table of Contents; Preface; Section 1: Basic MongoDB -- Design Goals and Architecture; Chapter 1: MongoDB -- A Database for Modern Web; Technical requirements; The evolution of SQL and NoSQL; The evolution of MongoDB; Major feature set for versions 1.0 and 1.2; Version 2; Version 3; Version 4; MongoDB for SQL developers; MongoDB for NoSQL developers; MongoDB's key characteristics and use cases; Key characteristics; Use cases for MongoDB; MongoDB criticism; MongoDB configuration and best practices; Operational best practices
Schema design best practicesBest practices for write durability; Best practices for replication; Best practices for sharding; Best practices for security; Best practices for AWS; Reference documentation; MongoDB documentation; Packt references; Further reading ; Summary; Chapter 2: Schema Design and Data Modeling; Relational schema design; MongoDB schema design; Read-write ratio; Data modeling; Data types; Comparing different data types; Date type; ObjectId; Modeling data for atomic operations; Write isolation; Read isolation and consistency; Modeling relationships; One-to-one
One-to-many and many-to-manyModeling data for keyword searches; Connecting to MongoDB; Connecting using Ruby; Mongoid ODM; Inheritance with Mongoid models; Connecting using Python; PyMODM ODM; Inheritance with PyMODM models; Connecting using PHP; Doctrine ODM; Inheritance with Doctrine; Summary; Section 2: Querying Effectively; Chapter 3: MongoDB CRUD Operations; CRUD using the shell; Scripting for the mongo shell; The differences between scripting for the mongo shell and using it directly; Batch inserts using the shell; Batch operations using the mongo shell; Administration; fsync; compact
CurrentOp and killOpcollMod; touch; MapReduce in the mongo shell; MapReduce concurrency; Incremental MapReduce; Troubleshooting MapReduce; Aggregation framework; SQL to aggregation; Aggregation versus MapReduce; Securing the shell; Authentication and authorization; Authorization with MongoDB; Security tips for MongoDB; Encrypting communication using TLS/SSL; Encrypting data; Limiting network exposure; Firewalls and VPNs; Auditing; Using secure configuration options; Authentication with MongoDB; Enterprise Edition; Kerberos authentication; LDAP authentication; Summary
Chapter 4: Advanced QueryingMongoDB CRUD operations; CRUD using the Ruby driver; Creating documents; Read; Chaining operations in find(); Nested operations; Update; Delete; Batch operations; CRUD in Mongoid; Read; Scoping queries; Create, update, and delete; CRUD using the Python driver; Creating and deleting; Finding documents; Updating documents; CRUD using PyMODM; Creating documents; Updating documents; Deleting documents; Querying documents; CRUD using the PHP driver; Creating and deleting; BulkWrite; Read; Updating documents; CRUD using Doctrine; Creating, updating, and deleting; Read
요약This book will help you build expert proficiency in developing large-scale applications using MongoDB 4.x. You will master CRUD operations and perform tasks such as indexing, aggregation, monitoring, sharding, cluster management, and administration. You take building and administering scalable MongoDB applications to the next level.
일반주제명Open source software.
Object-oriented databases.
Database management -- Software.
Database management.
Object-oriented databases.
Open source software.
기타형태 저록Print version:Giamas, Alex.Mastering MongoDB 4. x : Expert Techniques to Run High-Volume and Fault-tolerant Database Solutions Using MongoDB 4. x, 2nd Edition.Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 짤20199781789617870


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