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Hands-on game development patterns with Unity : create engaging games by using industry-standard design patterns with C# /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Baron, David, author.
서명/저자사항Hands-on game development patterns with Unity :create engaging games by using industry-standard design patterns with C# /David Baron.
발행사항Birmingham, UK : Packt Publishing, 2019.
형태사항1 online resource : illustrations
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3

서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기Cover; Title Page; Copyright and Credits; www.PacktPub.com; Contributors; Table of Contents; Preface; Section 1: The Fundamentals; Chapter 1: Unity Engine Architecture; Engine architectures; What are game engines?; Unity's architecture; Components; Scripting API; Summary; Further reading; Section 2: Sequencing Patterns; Chapter 2: Game Loop and Update Method; Technical requirements; What makes a game run?; The main loop; It's all about timing; Update Method; Overview; Challenge; Solution; Unity's Update Method; Summary; Further reading; Section 3: Creational Patterns; Chapter 3: Prototype
Technical requirementsAn overview of the Prototype pattern; Benefits and drawbacks; Use case example; Code example; Summary; Exercise; Further reading; Chapter 4: The Factory Method; Technical requirements; An overview of the Factory Method; Benefits and drawbacks; Use case example; Code example; Summary; Practice; Further reading; Chapter 5: Abstract Factory; Technical requirements; An overview of the Abstract Factory; Benefits and drawbacks; Use case example; Code example; Summary; Practice exercise; Further reading; Chapter 6: Singleton; Technical requirements
An overview of the Singleton patternBenefits and drawbacks; Use case example; Code example; Simple approach; Advanced approach; Summary; Exercise; Further reading; Section 4: Behavioral Patterns; Chapter 7: Strategy; Technical requirements; An overview of the Strategy pattern; Benefits and drawbacks; Use case example; Code example; Summary; Practice; Further reading; Chapter 8: Command; Technical requirements; The basics of the Command pattern; Benefits and drawbacks; Use case example; Code example; Summary; Practice exercise; Further reading; Chapter 9: Observer; Technical requirements
A preview of the Observer patternThe C# event system; Benefits and drawbacks; Use case example; Code example; Summary; Exercise; Further reading; Chapter 10: State; Technical requirements; The basics of the State pattern; Benefits and drawbacks; Use case example; Code example; Summary; Exercises; Further reading; Chapter 11: Visitor; Technical requirements; An overview of the Visitor pattern; Benefits and drawbacks; Use case example; Code example; Summary; Practical exercise; Further reading; Section 5: Structural Patterns; Chapter 12: Facade; Technical requirements
An overview of the Facade patternBenefits and drawbacks; An example use case; A code example; Summary; Exercises; Further reading; Chapter 13: Adapter; Technical requirements; An overview of the Adapter pattern; Benefits and drawbacks; Use case example; Code example; Object adapter; Class adapter; Summary; Exercises; Further reading; Chapter 14: Decorator; Technical requirements; The basics of the Decorator pattern; Benefits and drawbacks; Use case example; Code example; Summary; Practice; Further reading; Section 6: Decoupling Patterns; Chapter 15: Event Bus; Technical requirements
요약Traditional building blocks of a robust architecture, such as design patterns, cannot be applied in Unity without being adapted to the Engine's unique way of doing things. We will review design patterns that are currently used by professional game programmers in indie, mobile, and AAA studios. We will also examine the infamous anti-patterns.
주제명(통일서명)Unity (Electronic resource)
Unity (Electronic resource)fast
일반주제명Computer games -- Programming.
Computer games -- Design.
C# (Computer program language)
Software patterns.
C# (Computer program language)
Computer games -- Design.
Computer games -- Programming.
Software patterns.
기타형태 저록Print version:Baron, David.Hands-On Game Development Patterns with Unity 2019 : Create Engaging Games by Using Industry-Standard Design Patterns with C#.Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 짤20199781789349337


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