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Trans people in higher education / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Beemyn, Genny, 1966-, editor.
서명/저자사항Trans people in higher education /Edited by Genny Beemyn.[electronic resource]
발행사항Albany, NY : State University of New York Press, [2019]
형태사항1 online resource.
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Introduction -- The voices of trans students, staff, and faculty / Lisa N. Johnston and Caden J. Campbell -- Transcending gender in Southern Women's colleges / Annabelle Talia Bruno -- Transitional matriculation: losing (and finding) yourself in higher education / Alandis Johnson -- Read between the lines: teaching and learning while nonbinary trans / S. Simmons -- I am because we are: holding a mirror as a trans educator / C. Ray Borck -- Do you get to choose how big your penis will be? : transitioning as faculty / Kei Graves -- Typing my way out of the cisheteronormative closet at a community college / Jackson Wright Shultz -- On being (in)visible in the academy: a trans scholar's narrative -- Research on trans people and trans inclusion on college campuses / Kasey Ashton -- How I see me, how you see me: trans college students navigating gender outside the binary / Tre Wentling -- Trans college students' experiences: institutional discrimination and empowered responses / Abbie E. Goldberg -- Higher educational experiences of transgender binary and nonbinary graduate students / Genny Beemyn -- Get over the binary: the experiences of nonbinary trans college students / Shannon Weber -- (In)visibility and protest: trans men, trans women, and nonbinary students at New England Women's Colleges / James M. Devita and Katrin A. Wesner -- An examination of trans college students' sexual health / Erich N. Pitcher -- Microfoundations of trans academics' experiences: a sense of paranoia and hypersensitivity / Kristie L. Seelman -- From my absolute worst nightmare to "I couldn't ask for anything more": transgender individuals' interactions with college administrators, professors, and others with institutional power / Matthew Antonio Bosch and Dana Pursley -- Rising like a phoenix: one institution's journey through trans and LGBTQIA inclusion -- A guide to trans terminology.
요약"More trans students, faculty, and staff are out on U.S. colleges campuses today than ever before. Still, many report enduring harassment and discrimination, and others avoid disclosing their gender identity because they do not feel safe or comfortable at their schools. Trans People in Higher Education is the first book about trans college students, faculty, and staff, and shows that, despite a generally improving environment, trans people continue to face widespread interpersonal and institutional opposition on campuses across the country. This anthology brings together personal narratives and original research, giving readers both individual and large-scale perspectives and providing unprecedented insight into the experiences of trans people in higher education. Among the contributions are the first published studies to focus on nonbinary trans undergraduates and trans graduate students, as well as the largest studies to date of trans students at women's colleges and trans academics. Other groundbreaking contributions examine the sexual health of trans students, the treatment of trans people by individuals with institutional authority, and strategies and lessons learned from one college that successfully became more trans inclusive. Taken together, the chapters illuminate the diversity of trans experiences in higher education, as well as the ways that trans college students, faculty, and staff continue to struggle against discrimination and marginalization" --
일반주제명Transgender people -- Education (Higher)


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