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Mastering CSS : a guided journey through modern CSS / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Finelli, Rich, author.
서명/저자사항Mastering CSS :a guided journey through modern CSS /Rich Finelli.[electronic resource]
발행사항Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2017.
형태사항1 online resource (517 pages)
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 050, 072

요약Rich Finelli's modern CSS training course, based on his bestselling Mastering CSS video, now available in a book. Master CSS from best practices to practical CSS coding. About This Book Learn CSS directly from Rich Finelli, author of the bestselling Mastering CSS training course From best practices to deep coding, Rich Finelli shares his CSS knowledge with you Rich Finelli covers the latest CSS updates with flexbox and works with retina devices Who This Book Is For This book is for web designers who wish to master the best practices of CSS in their web projects. You already know how to work with a web page, and want to use CSS to master website presentation. What You Will Learn Master fundamental CSS concepts like the anatomy of a rule set, the box model, and the differences between block and inline elements Employ flexbox to layout and align elements simply and cleanly Become proficient with CSS3 properties such as transitions, transforms, gradients, and animations Delve into modular, reusable, and scalable CSS for more organized and maintainable style sheets Understand media queries and other pillars of responsive web design Get creative with the @font-face property, Google Web Fonts, font services such as Typekit, as well as, icon fonts Understand the workflow for HiDPI (retina) devices using 2x images, SVG, and the srcset attribute In Detail Rich Finelli trains you in CSS deep learning and shows you the techniques you need to work in the world of responsive, feature-rich web applications. Based on his bestselling Mastering CSS training video, you can now learn with Rich in this book! Rich shares with you his skills in creating advanced layouts, and the critical CSS insights you need for responsive web designs, fonts, transitions, animations, and using flexbox. Rich begins your CSS training with a review of CSS best practices, such as using a good text editor to automate your authoring and setting up a CSS baseline. You then move on to create a responsive layout making use of floats and stylable drop-down menus, with Rich guiding you toward a modular-organized approach to CSS. Your training with Rich Finelli then dives into detail about working with CSS and the best solutions to make your websites work. You'll go with him into CSS3 properties, transforms, transitions, and animations. You'll gain his understanding of responsive web designs, web fonts, icon fonts, and the techniques used to support retina devices. Rich expands your knowledge ...
일반주제명COMPUTERS / Web / Design
Cascading style sheets.
Web sites -- Design.
SVG (Document markup language)
Cascading style sheets.
SVG (Document markup language)
Web sites -- Design.
기타형태 저록Print version:Finelli, Rich.Mastering CSS.Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 짤2017


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