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The traffic in hierarchy : masculinity and its others in Buddhist Burma / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Keeler, Ward, author.
서명/저자사항The traffic in hierarchy :masculinity and its others in Buddhist Burma /Ward Keeler.[electronic resource]
발행사항Honolulu : University of Hawai軻i Press, [2017]
형태사항1 online resource
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 072

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기""Half-title Page""; ""Title Page""; ""Copyright""; ""Contents""; ""Preface""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Introduction: Hierarchy in Traffic""; ""Chapter One: Everyday Forms of Hierarchical Observance""; ""Chapter Two: A Description of the Shweigyin Monastery""; ""Chapter Three: Discretionary Attachments""; ""Chapter Four: Taking Dumont to Southeast Asia""; ""Chapter Five: Hierarchical Habits""; ""Chapter Six: Gaining Access to Power""; ""Chapter Seven: Meditation""; ""Chapter Eight: Masculinity""; ""Chapter Nine: Masculinitya?#x80;#x99;s Others""
""Chapter Ten: Taking Autonomy and Attachment Further Afield""""References""; ""Index""
요약Until its recent political thaw, Burma was closed to most foreign researchers, and fieldwork-based research was rare. In The Traffic in Hierarchy, one of the few such works to appear in recent years, author Ward Keeler combines close ethnographic attention to life in a Buddhist monastery with a broad analysis of Burman gender ideology. The result is a thought-provoking analysis of Burmese social relations both within and beyond a monastery's walls. Keeler shows that the roles individuals choose in Burman society entail inevitable trade-offs in privileges and prestige. A man who becomes a monk gives up some social opportunities but takes on others and gains great respect. Alternatively, a man can become a head of household. Or he can choose to take on a feminine gender identity--to the derision of many but not necessarily his social exclusion. A woman, by contrast, is expected to concern herself with her relations with family and kin. Any interest she might show in becoming a nun arouses ambivalent reactions: although it fulfills Buddhist teachings, it contravenes assumptions about a woman's proper role. In Burma, hierarchical understandings condition all relationships, but hierarchy implies relations of exchange, not simply inequality, and everyone takes on subordinate roles in their bonds with some, and superordinate ones with others. Knowing where power lies and how to relate to it appropriately is key. It may mean choosing at times to resist power, but more often it involves exercising care as to whom one wishes to subordinate oneself, in what ways, and on what terms.Melding reflections on the work of theorists such as Dumont, Anderson, Warner, and Kapferer with close attention to the details of Burman social interaction, Keeler balances theoretical insights and ethnographic observation to produce a rich and challenging read. The conundrum at the heart of this book--whether to opt for autonomy, the Buddhist seeking of detachment, or for attachment, the desire for close bonds with others--is one that all humans, not just Burmans, must confront, and it is one that admits of no final resolution.
일반주제명Social status -- Burma.
Buddhism -- Social aspects -- Burma.
Masculinity -- Social aspects -- Burma.
SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Discrimination & Race Relations.
SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Minority Studies.
Buddhism -- Social aspects.
Manners and customs.
Social status.
HISTORY / Asia / Southeast Asia
주제명(지명)Burma -- Social life and customs.Burma. -- fast


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