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Feminism, violence, and representation in modern Italy : "we are witnesses, not victims" / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Parmigiani, Giovanna, author.
서명/저자사항Feminism, violence, and representation in modern Italy :"we are witnesses, not victims" /Giovanna Parmigiani.[electronic resource]
발행사항Bloomington, Indiana : Indiana University Press, [2019]
형태사항1 online resource (xi, 214 pages).
총서사항New anthropologies of Europe
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 050

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Introduction -- Locating violence in Salento and beyond -- Women before women : Italian feminists and the struggle for visibility -- The creation(s) of femminicidio -- Being witnesses, not victims : on the affective politics of representation -- Producing witnesses : the perlocutionary effects of the politics of representation -- Fare-come-se (Doing-as-if) and artistic engagements : ethics, aesthetics, and the politics of becoming -- Conclusion.
요약"Can the way a word is used give legitimacy to a political movement? Feminism, Violence, and Representation in Modern Italy traces the use of the word "femminicidio" (or "femicide") as a tool to mobilize Italian feminists, particularly the Union of Women in Italy (UDI). Based on nearly two years of fieldwork among feminist activists, Giovanna Parmigiani takes a broad look at the many ways in which violence inflects the lives of women in Italy. From unchallenged gendered grammar rules to the representation of women as victims, Parmigiani examines the devaluing of women's contribution to their communities through the words and experiences of the women she interviews. She describes the first uses of the word "femminicidio" as a political term used by and within feminist circles and traces its spread to ultimate legitimization and national relevance. The word redefined women as a political subject by building an imagined community of potentially violated women. In doing so, it challenged Italians to consider the status of women in Italian society, and to make this status a matter of public debate. It also problematized the connection between women and tropes of women as objects of suffering and victimhood. Parmigiani considers this exchange within the context of Italian Catholic heritage, a precarious economy, and long-held notions of honor and shame. Parmigiani provides a careful and searing consideration of the ways in which representations of violence and the politics of this representation are shaping the future of women in Italy and beyond"--
주제명(단체명)Unione donne in Italia.
일반주제명Feminists -- Political activity -- Italy -- Salentina Peninsula.
Women political activists -- Italy -- Salentina Peninsula.
Feminism -- Italy.
Women -- Violence against -- Italy -- Salentina Peninsula.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / Cultural
Feminists -- Political activity.
Women political activists.
Women -- Violence against.
주제명(지명)Italy. -- fastItaly -- Salentina Peninsula. -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:Parmigiani, Giovanna.Feminism, violence, and representation in modern ItalyBloomington, Indiana : Indiana University Press, 2019.9780253043375


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