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Hip hop at Europe's edge : music, agency, and social change /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Miszczyn?ski, Mi흢osz, editor.
Helbig, Adriana, editor.
서명/저자사항Hip hop at Europe's edge :music, agency, and social change /edited by Milosz Miszczynski and Adriana Helbig.
발행사항Bloomington ; Indianapolis : Indiana University Press, 2017.
형태사항1 online resource.
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 072

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Introduction /Adriana Helbig and Milosz Miszczynski --Part 1: Hip Hop, Postsocialism, and Democracy --Rapping into Power: The Use of Hip Hop in Albanian Politics /Gentian Elezi and Elona Toska --Nothing Left to Lose: Hip Hop in Bosnia-Herzegovina /Jasmin Mujanovic? --Russian Rap in the Era of Vladimir Putin /Philip Ewell --Rap Music as a Cultural Mediator in Post-Conflict Yugoslavia /Alexandra Baladina --Part 2: Hip Hop and Emerging Market Economies --Diesel Power: Serbian Hip Hop from the Pleasure of the Privileged to Mass Youth Culture /Goran Music? and Predrag Vukc?evic? --"The Underground is for Beggars": Slovak Rap at the Center of National Popular Culture /Peter Barrer --Music, Technology, and Shifts in Popular Culture: Making Hip Hop in e-Estonia /Triin Vallaste --Wearing Nikes for a Reason: A Critical Analysis of Brand Usage in Polish Rap /Milosz Miszczynski and Przemyslaw Tomaszewski --Part 3: Hip Hop on the Margins --Cosmopolitan Inscriptions? Mimicry, Rap, and Rurbanity in Post-socialist Albania /Nicholas Tochka --Violence as Existential Punctuation: Russian Hip Hop in the Age of Late Capitalism /Alexandre Gontchar --Unmasking Expressions in Turkish Rap/Hip Hop Culture: Contestation and Construction of Alternat캇ve Identities Through Localizat캇on in Arabesk Music /Nuran Erol Is偈ik and Murat Can Basaran --Hip Hop as a Means of Flight from 'Gypsy Ghetto' in Eastern Europe /Michal Ruzicka, Alena Kajanova, Veronika Zva?novcova?, and Tomas Mrhalek --Rapping the Changes in North-East Siberia: Hip Hop, Urbanization, and Sakha Ethnicity /Aimar Ventsel and Eleanor Peers --Part 4: Hip Hop and Global Circulations of Blackness --La haine et les autres crimes: Ghettocentric Imagery in Serbian Hip Hop Videos /Irena S?entevska --The Power of the Words: Discourses of Authenticity in Czech Rap Music /Anna Oravcova? --"Keep it 360": (Re)envisioning The Cultural and Racial Roots of Hip Hop through DJ Rhetoric and Ethnography /Todd Craig.
요약Responding to the development of a lively hip hop culture in Central and Eastern European countries, this interdisciplinary study demonstrates how a universal model of hip hop serves as a contextually situated platform of cultural exchange and becomes locally inflected. After the Soviet Union fell, hip hop became popular in urban environments in the region, but it has often been stigmatized as inauthentic, due to an apparent lack of connection to African American historical roots and black identity. Originally strongly influenced by aesthetics from the US, hip hop in Central and Eastern Europe has gradually developed unique, local trajectories, a number of which are showcased in this volume. On the one hand, hip hop functions as a marker of Western cosmopolitanism and democratic ideology, but as the contributors show, it is also a malleable genre that has been infused with so much local identity that it has lost most of its previous associations with?the West? in the experiences of local musicians, audiences, and producers. Contextualizing hip hop through the prism of local experiences and regional musical expressions, these valuable case studies reveal the broad spectrum of its impact on popular culture and youth identity in the post-Soviet world.
일반주제명Rap (Music) -- Europe, Eastern -- History and criticism.
Rap (Music) -- Europe, Central -- History and criticism.
Rap (Music) -- Social aspects -- Europe, Eastern.
Rap (Music) -- Social aspects -- Europe, Central.
Rap (Music)
Rap (Music) -- Social aspects.
MUSIC / Instruction & Study / Voice
MUSIC / Lyrics
MUSIC / Printed Music / Vocal
Kulturelle Identita?t
MUSIC / Genres & Styles / Rap & Hip Hop
주제명(지명)Europe, Central. -- fastEurope, Eastern. -- fastOsteuropa -- gnd
기타형태 저록Print version:Hip hop at Europe's edgeBloomington ; Indianapolis : Indiana University Press, 20179780253022738


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