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What the hell happened to my brain?

상세 프로파일

개인저자Swaffer, Kate.
서명/저자사항What the hell happened to my brain?.
발행사항Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016-01-21 00:00:00.0.
형태사항1 online resource (394)
소장본 주기eBooks on EBSCOhostAll EBSCO eBooks

내용주기What the Hell Happened to my Brain? by Kate Swaffer; Disclaimer; Foreword by Dr Richard Taylor; Foreword by Glenn Rees, AM; Foreword by Dr Shibley Rahman; Dedication ; Acknowledgements; Author's Note ; Introduction; 1. Why Me, Why This, Why Now?; 2. The Early Days; 3. So, What the Hell Did Happen to My Brain?; 4. Illness, Sadness and Positivity; 5. The Dementia Train and Not Sweating the Small Stuff ; 6. Thank you, Richard Taylor; 7. Reactions to Dementia: Yours, Mine, Others; 8. The Burden of Disbelief; 9. Being Diagnosed with Younger Onset Dementia.
10. Children of People with Younger Onset Dementia11. Early vs Delayed Diagnosis; 12. Dementia, Grief and Loss: It's Very Complicated; 13. The Emotional Toll of Letting Go ; 14. Myths of Dementia; 15. Loneliness and Dementia; 16. Prescribed Disengagement짰; 17. Dementia as a DisAbility; 18. Stigma and Dementia; 19. The Language of Dementia; 20. Dementia and Word Finding; 21. Employment and Dementia; 22. Driving and Dementia; 23. Family Care Partners or BUBs (Back-Up Brains); 24. Care Partners Speaking Out Publicly About People with Dementia; 25. Guilt.
26. Who's Got the 'Challenging Behaviours'?27. Dementia and Common Sense ; 28. Interventions for Dementia; 29. Blogging and Writing as Interventions for Dementia; 30. Advocacy as an Intervention for Dementia; 31. Volunteering as an Intervention for Dementia; 32. Dementia-friendly/Accessible Communities; 33. Human Rights in Dementia and Aged Care ; 34. There is Big Money in Dementia; 35. Nothing About Us, Without Us ... ; 36. Love, Gifts, Dementia and Dying ; 37. A Final Word on Resilience and Memory; 38. Proof People with Dementia Can Live Beyond a Diagnosis of Dementia.
Appendix 1 -- Dementia: A Brief SummaryAppendix 2 -- Resources; References; Blank Page.
요약Drawing on her own experiences, Kate Swaffer explores the daily challenges faced by those diagnosed with young onset dementia. Challenging the notion of 'prescribed disengagement', Kate offers a fresh perspective on how to live well with dementia, and how family, friends and dementia care professionals can support people post diagnosis.
일반주제명Dementia -- Patients -- Great Britain.
HEALTH & FITNESS -- Diseases -- General.
MEDICAL -- Clinical Medicine.
MEDICAL -- Diseases.
MEDICAL -- Evidence-Based Medicine.
MEDICAL -- Internal Medicine.
Dementia -- Patients.
주제명(지명)Great Britain. -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:Swaffer, Kate.What the hell happened to my brain?.Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016-01-21 00:00:00.018490560809781849056083


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