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Sales management : simplified : the straight truth about getting exceptional results from your sales team /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Weinberg, Mike, 1967-
서명/저자사항Sales management :simplified : the straight truth about getting exceptional results from your sales team /Mike Weinberg.
판사항First Edition.
형태사항1 online resource.
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서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Foreword / by Jeb Blout -- Introduction -- Blunt truth from the front lines : why so many sales -- As goes the leader, so goes the organization -- A sales culture without goals is a sales culture without results -- You can't effectively run a sales team when you're buried in crap -- Playing crm desk jockey does not equate to sales leadership -- You can manage, you can sell, but you can't do both at once -- A sales manager either wants to make heroes or be the hero -- Sales suffer when the manager wears the fire chief's helmet -- The trouble with one size fits all sales talent deployment is that one size -- Turning a blind eye to the perennial underperformer does more damage -- Than you realize -- Compensation and complacency start with the same four letters -- An anti-sales culture disengages the heart of the sales team -- The big ego senior executive "sales expert" often does more harm than good -- Entrepreneurial, visionary leaders forget that their people can't do what they can do -- The lack of coaching and mentoring produces ineffective salespeople -- Amateurish salespeople are perceived simply as vendors, pitchmen and commodity sellers -- Sales leaders chase shiny new toys searching for the magic bullet -- Practical help and a simple framework to get exceptional results from your sales team -- A simple framework provides clarity to the sales manager -- A healthy sales culture changes everything -- Sales managers must radically reallocate their time to create a winning -- Sales culture -- Regular 1:1 results-focused meetings between sales manager and each salesperson will transform your sales culture -- Productive sales meetings align, equip, and energize the team -- Sales managers must get out in the field with salespeople -- Talent management can make or break the sales leader -- Strategic targeting : point your team in the right direction -- The sales manager must ensure the team is armed for battle -- Sales managers must monitor the battle and be ruthless with their time -- Index.
요약Through their attitude and actions, senior executives and sales managers unknowingly undermine performance. In this book, Weinberg calls out the problems plaguing sales forces and the costly mistakes made by even the best-intentioned sales managers. The good news: with the right guidance, results can be transformed. Blending blunt, practical advice with funny stories from the field, this book helps you: implement a simple framework for sales leadership; foster a healthy, high-performance sales culture; conduct productive meetings; create a killer compensation plan; put the right people in the right roles; coach for success; retain top producers and remediate underperformers; point salespeople at the proper targets; sharpen your sales story; regain control of your calendar. --
Business planning.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industrial Management
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management Science
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Organizational Behavior
Business planning.
기타형태 저록Print version:Weinberg, Mike, 1967-Sales management.First Edition9780814436431


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