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Thinking globally : a global studies reader /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Juergensmeyer, Mark.
서명/저자사항Thinking globally :a global studies reader /edited by Mark Juergensmeyer.
형태사항1 online resource.
ISBN9780520958012 (electronic bk.)
0520958012 (electronic bk.)
1306210437 (electronic bk.)
9781306210430 (electronic bk.)

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Cover; THINKING GLOBALLY; Title; Copyright; CONTENTS; Preface: A Friendly Introduction to Global Studies; PART I: INTRODUCTION; 1. Thinking Globally; "Globalization: A Contested Concept"; "The World Is Ten Years Old"; "Approaches to Globalization"; "How Globalization Went Bad"; Further Reading; 2. Globalization over Time; "Globalization: Long Term Process or New Era in Human Affairs?"; "Imperial Trajectories"; "On the Study of Social Change"; "Movements and Patterns: Environments of Global History"; Further Reading; PART II: THE MARCH OF GLOBALIZATION, BY REGION
3. Africa: The Rise of Ethnic Politics in a Global World"The Hidden Story of a Journey"; "Slavery"; "African Diaspora Religions"; "Thinking Globally about African Religion"; "The Cycle of 'State-Ethnicity-State' in African Politics"; Further Reading; 4. The Middle East: Religious Politics and Antiglobalization; "The Ideology of the Horizons"; "Thinking Globally about Islam"; "Are Middle East Conflicts More Religious?"; "Religion and Politics in Arab Transitions"; Further Reading; 5. South and Central Asia: Global Labor and Asian Culture; "Religions of the Silk Road"; "The Early Mongols"
"Hinduism""Revolt, the Modern State, and Colonized Subjects, 1848-1885"; "Outposts of the Global Information Economy"; Further Reading; 6. East Asia: Global Economic Empires; "The Great Divergence"; "The 21st Century Will Be Asian"; "Economic Growth in Asia"; "Is the Rise of China Sustainable?"; Further Reading; 7. Southeast Asia and the Pacific: The Edges of Globalization; "The Indianized States of Southeast Asia"; "Imagined Communities"; "Vietnam, 1945-2000: The Global Dimensions of Decolonization, War, Revolution, and Refugee Outflows"; "Asian Connections"
"Pacific Islands Religious Communities"Further Reading; 8. Europe and Russia: Nationalism and Transnationalism; "The 1850s as Turning Point: The Birth of Globalization?"; "The Nation"; "Citizens, Residents, and Aliens in a Changing World"; "Soviet Ideology and Foreign Interventions in the Global Cold War"; "Citizenship and National Identity"; Further Reading; 9. The Americas: Development Strategies; "Discovering the New World Columbus Created"; "The Reasons for the Victory"; "Explaining the Development Gap between Latin America and the United States"
"Surviving Globalization in Three Latin American Communities"Further Reading; PART III: TRANSNATIONAL GLOBAL ISSUES; 10. Global Forces in the New World Order; "Jihad vs. McWorld"; "A Multipolar, Multicivilizational World"; "Empire"; "Global Cities"; Further Reading; 11. The Erosion of the Nation-State; "The Cartographic Illusion"; "The Westfailure System"; "After the Nation-State-What?"; "The Transnational State"; Further Reading; 12. Religious Politics and the New World Order; "The Twenty-first Century as God's Century"; "Religion in the New Global Order"; "Al Qaeda and the New Terrorists"
요약In this accessible text, Mark Juergensmeyer, a pioneer in global studies, provides a comprehensive overview of the emerging field of global studies from regional, topical, and theoretical perspectives. Each of the twenty compact chapters in Thinking Globally features Juergensmeyer's own lucid introduction to the key topics and offers brief excerpts from major writers in those areas. The chapters explore the history of globalization in each region of the world, from Africa and the Middle East to Asia, Europe, and the Americas, and cover key issues in today's global era, such as: Challenges of t.
일반주제명Globalization -- Textbooks.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / Cultural.
기타형태 저록Print version:Thinking globally9780520278448


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