가야대학교 분성도서관

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Libya : history and revolution /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Lobban, Richard Andrew, 1943, author.
Dalton, Christopher H., author.
서명/저자사항Libya :history and revolution /by Richard A. Lobban, Jr. and Christopher H. Dalton.
형태사항1 online resource : color illustrations
총서사항Praeger security international
ISBN9781440828850 (electronic bk.)
1440828857 (electronic bk.)

서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기Introduction -- Historical overview -- Libya before Gaddafi -- Rise to power, domestic policy, and practice -- The Arab Spring in Libya -- Libya and oil -- The spark and fire of the 2011 Libyan "Arab Spring" -- Bumpy and twisted roads to the new Libya.
요약This book describes and analyzes the context of Libya's ancient, colonial, and monarchical history. The focal point is the Gaddafi era and what the "Arab Spring" revolution that eventually brought him down, opening a new and perilous future for this oil-rich nation, means to Libya and the world. Libya's history reflects their ancient and extremely convoluted roots, beginning well before Arabs arrived. It is comprised of Berber, Greek, and Roman occupations and includes a significant chapter from early American naval history. Such lineage is all the more impressive given the fact its three geographical components were rarely unified. In the face of recurring foreign aggression, the normally peaceful Sanusiya brotherhood moved religious retreat to steadfast anticolonial resistance and began consolidating the Libyan people. The brutality of Italian colonialism was faced collectively and stoically. In 1951, when the United Nations could not determine what to do with the lands of Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, and the Fezzan, a central monarchy was installed, though it never had one, and planted a flag that it had never seen, and called it Libya. This poor fit was kicked into the modern spirit of Arab nationalism in 1969 by Muammar Gaddafi, who grabbed power with an eclectic mixture of Arabism, Islamism, Socialism, and Nomadism. After four decades of generous yet tyrannical, liberating and frustrating, pioneering yet stubborn, revolutionary, confusing, and erratic and yet amazing changes, all swimming in oil wealth, this syncretic historical mixture tumbled down in 2011. Now, Libya is embarking on a new course, without known charts and an uncertain compass. This book records their remarkable past, traces the twists and turns of Gaddafi, and prepares the reader for some of the potential scenarios that lie ahead, based on the political tracks flowing in the Libya sands.
주제명(개인명)Qaddafi, Muammar.
일반주제명Arab Spring, 2010-
Petroleum industry and trade -- Libya.
HISTORY / Africa / North.
주제명(지명)Libya -- History.Libya -- Politics and government.Libya -- History -- Civil War, 2011-


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