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Sharing the adventure with the student : exploring the intersections of NASA space science and education : a workshop summary /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Day, Dwayne, compiler.
단체저자명National Research Council (U.S.). Board on Science Education,sponsoring body.
National Research Council (U.S.). Space Studies Board,sponsoring body.
National Research Council (U.S.). Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences,sponsoring body.
서명/저자사항Sharing the adventure with the student :exploring the intersections of NASA space science and education : a workshop summary /Dwayne Day, rapporteur ; Space Studies Board, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Board on Science Education, National Research Council of the National Academies.
형태사항1 online resource (xii, 77 pages) : color illustrations.

내용주기Setting the Stage -- A New Vision for K-12 Science and Engineering Education and NASA SMD Education -- Space Science Education Curriculum and Materials -- Collaboration Among NASA SMD and K-12 Districts, Schools, and Teachers -- Supporting Science and Engineering Teachers Through Professional Development -- Evaluation of Education and Evaluation in Practice within NASA SMD -- Enabling Actions -- Wrap-Up -- Appendix A: Statement of Task -- Appendix B: Workshop Agenda -- Appendix C: Poster Abstracts -- Appendix D: Workshop Participants -- Appendix E: Biographical Information for Organizing Committee and Staff
요약"On December 2-3, 2014, the Space Studies Board and the Board on Science Education of the National Research Council held a workshop on the NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) education program - "Sharing the Adventure with the Student." The workshop brought together representatives of the space science and science education communities to discuss maximizing the effectiveness of the transfer of knowledge from the scientists supported by NASA's SMD to K-12 students directly and to teachers and informal educators. The workshop focused not only on the effectiveness of recent models for transferring science content and scientific practices to students, but also served as a venue for dialogue between education specialists, education staff from NASA and other agencies, space scientists and engineers, and science content generators. Workshop participants reviewed case studies of scientists or engineers who were able to successfully translate their research results and research experiences into formal and informal student science learning. Education specialists shared how science can be translated to education materials and directly to students, and teachers shared their experiences of space science in their classrooms. Sharing the Adventure with the Student is the summary of the presentation and discussions of the workshop."--Publisher's description.
일반주제명Space sciences -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- United States -- Evaluation.
Space sciences -- Research -- United States.
Science -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- United States -- Evaluation.
Earth sciences -- Research -- United States.
SCIENCE / Essays.
SCIENCE / Reference.
기타형태 저록Print version:Sharing the adventure with the student030937426X


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