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Teaching & Researching [electronic resource].

상세 프로파일

개인저자Oxford, Rebecca L.
서명/저자사항Teaching & Researching[electronic resource].
발행사항Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2013.
형태사항1 online resource (357 pages).
총서사항Applied Linguistics in Action
일반주기 7 A guide to conducting research on self-regulated L2 learning strategies.
내용주기Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; General Editors' Preface; Acknowledgements; Publisher's Acknowledgements; Introduction; Section I The Strategic Self-Regulation (S2R) Model of Language Learning; 1 Introducing the Strategic Self-Regulation (S2R) Model of language learning; 1.1 Overview of this book; 1.2 Why this book is needed now; 1.3 The S2R Model; 1.4 Nine ways the S2R Model is different; 1.5 Conclusion; Further reading; 2 Dimension 1 (cognitive): Strategies for remembering and processing language.
2.1 Linked metaphors for metacognitive and cognitive strategies: construction manager and construction workers2.2 Metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive strategies, and metacognition; 2.3 Cognitive strategies; 2.4 Relevant theories and concepts; 2.5 Conclusion; Further reading; 3 Dimension 2 (affective): Strategies linked with emotions, beliefs, attitudes, and motivation; 3.1 Linked metaphors for meta-affective and affective strategies: electricity manager and electricity workers; 3.2 Meta-affective knowledge, meta-affective strategies, and meta-affect; 3.3 Affective strategies.
3.4 Relevant theories and concepts3.5 Conclusion; Further reading; 4 Dimension 3 (sociocultural-interactive): Strategies for contexts, communication, and culture; 4.1 Linked metaphors for meta-SI strategies and SI strategies: community manager and community workers; 4.2 Meta-SI knowledge, meta-SI strategies, and the "meta" level of sociocultural interaction; 4.3 SI strategies; 4.4 Relevant theories and concepts; 4.5 Conclusion; Further reading; Section I Appendices; Section II Authentic Uses of Strategy Assessment and Strategy Assistance; 5 Strategy assessment in the S2R Model.
5.1 Purposes of strategy assessment5.2 Key issues at the outset; 5.3 Strategy observations; 5.4 Actual-task verbal reports; 5.5 Colour-coding of actual-task strategies; 5.6 Learner portfolios that include task-related strategy assessment; 5.7 Individual interviews for strategy assessment (not based on immediate tasks); 5.8 Group strategy assessment interviews or discussions; 5.9 Discourse analysis for strategy assessment; 5.10 Strategy questionnaires; 5.11 Narratives for strategy assessment; 5.12 Quality of strategy assessment tools; 5.13 Conclusion; Further reading.
6 Strategy instruction and other forms of strategy assistance6.1 Key terms; 6.2 Culture as a factor in excellent strategy assistance; 6.3 Strategy instruction in separate learning-to-learn courses or programmes; 6.4 Direct strategy instruction integrated into regular L2 courses; 6.5 Integrating strategy instruction into L2 textbooks and course materials; 6.6 The learning consultation service model; 6.7 Strategy instruction through learner guidebooks; 6.8 Strategy instruction in distance learning; 6.9 Conclusion; Further reading; Section III Researching Learning Strategies.
요약Over the past thirty years, the field of language learning strategies has generated a massive amount of interest and research in applied linguistics. Teaching and Researching Language Learning Strategies redraws the landscape of language learning strategies at just the right time. In this book Rebecca Oxford charts the field systematically and coherently for the benefit of language learning practitioners, students, and researchers. Offering practical, innovative suggestions for assessing, teaching, and researching language learning strategies, she provides examples of strategies and.
일반주제명Language and languages -- Study and teaching.
Second language acquisition.
Language and languages -- Study and teaching.
Second language acquisition.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY -- Multi-Language Phrasebooks.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES -- Alphabets & Writing Systems.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES -- Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES -- Linguistics -- General.
Language and languages -- Study and teaching.
Second language acquisition.
기타형태 저록Print version:Oxford, Rebecca L.Teaching & Researching: Language Learning Strategies.Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 짤20139780582381292


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