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Walter Benjamin : an introduction to his work and thought / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Steiner, Uwe.
서명/저자사항Walter Benjamin[electronic resource] :an introduction to his work and thought /Uwe Steiner ; translated by Michael Winkler.
발행사항Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2010.
형태사항1 online resource (xiv, 230 p.)
ISBN9780226772318 (electronic bk.)
0226772314 (electronic bk.)
9780226772219 (cloth alk. paper)
0226772217 (cloth alk. paper)

일반주기 Original German language edition published by J.B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung und Carl Ernst Poeschel Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany, 2004.
Translated from the German.
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Introduction. A contemporary of modernism -- Life and works -- Companions, influences -- Early writings, 1914-18. Apotheosis of the mind (Geist): beginnings inside the youth movement : "Dialogue on contemporary religiosity" (1912); "The life of students" (1915-16) -- Life of the work of art : "Two poems by Friedrich Ho?lderlin" (1914-15); "The idiot by Dostoevsky" (1917-21) -- Defining his philosophical position : "On the program of the coming philosophy" (1917-18) -- The magic of language : letter to Buber of July 17, 1916; "On language as such and on the language of man" (1916); "The task of the translator" (1921) -- Art criticism and politics, 1919-25. Romantic philosophy of art and its contemporary relevance : The concept of criticism in German romanticism (1919-20) -- Exemplary criticism: "Goethe's Elective affinities" : "Announcement of the journal Angelus novus" (1912); "Goethe's elective affinities" (1921-25) -- The problematic of art: criticism and allegorical artwork : Origin of German tragic drama (1923-28) -- Paul Scheerbart and the concept of the political : "Theological-political fragment" (1920-21); "The true politician" (1921-25); -- "Critique of violence" (1921); "Paul Scheerbart: Lesabe?ndio" (1917-19) -- Journalistic commitment and essayistic work, 1925-33. Profane illumination: surrealism and politics : One-way street (1923-28); "Moscow" (1927); "Surrealism: the last snapshot of the German intelligentsia" (1929) -- The "strategist in the literary struggle" : reviews of literary scholarship (1926-31): Gundolf, Walzel, Kommerell, Ermatinger; "Politicizing the intelligentsia" (1930-32): reviews of Haas, Ka?stner, Hiller, Kracauer, Ju?nger -- The task of the critic : "Collected essays on literature" (1929-30); "Journal project: Krisis und Kritik" (1930); "Johann Peter Hebel" (1926); "Gottfried Keller" (1927); "Robert Walser" (1929); "Julien Green" (1929); "On the image of Proust" (1929); "Karl Kraus" (1931); "Paul Vale?ry" (1931); "Bert Brecht" (1930); "What is the epic theater?" (1931-39) -- Exile writings, 1933-39. The changing function of art : "The present social situation of the French writer" (1933-34); "The author as producer" (1934); "Eduard Fuchs, collector and historian" (1937); "'The regression of poetry' by C.G. Jochmann" (1939) -- The work of art in the age of its technological reproducibility : "Little history of photography" (1931); "The work of art in the age of its technological reproducibility" (1935-36) -- Reinstatement of epic narration : "Experience and poverty" (1933); "The crisis of the novel: Do?blin's Berlin Alexanderplatz" (1930); "The storyteller: observations on the works of Nikolai Leskov" (1936); "Franz Kafka: beim Bau der chinesischen Mauer" (1931); "Franz Kafka. on the tenth anniversary of his death" (1934) -- Primal history of modernism, 1931-40. Berlin childhood around 1900 : "Berlin chronicle" (1932); "Berlin childhood around 1900" (1932-38); "Doctrine of the similar/on the mimetic faculty" (1933) -- Parisian arcades : The arcades project (1927-1940); "Paris, the capital of the nineteenth century" (1935); "Paris, capitale du XIXe?me sie?cle" (1939) -- Charles Baudelaire: a lyric poet in the era of high capitalism : "The Paris of the second empire in Baudelaire" (1938); "On some motifs in Baudelaire" (1939); "Central Park" (1939) -- The concept of history : "On the concept of history" (1940); "Arcades project: files J and N" -- Posthumous influence and stages of reception. Record of extant material and editions -- Reception.
주제명(개인명)Benjamin, Walter,1892-1940 -- Criticism and interpretation.
일반주제명LITERARY CRITICISM -- European -- German.
언어Translated from the German.
기타형태 저록Print version:Steiner, Uwe.Walter Benjamin.Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 20109780226772219


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