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Belonging without othering : how we save ourselves and the world /

상세 프로파일

개인저자powell, john a., 1947-, author.
Menendian, Stephen, author.
서명/저자사항Belonging without othering :how we save ourselves and the world /John A. Powell and Stephen Menendian.
발행사항Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, [2024]
형태사항1 online resource (viii, 432 pages) : illustrations
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Othering and belonging -- Marginality and the other -- From us to them -- Fear of the other, rise of the demagogue -- Toward belonging -- From the other to the self(ves) -- Hope for an uncertain future -- The mechanics of othering.
요약"In a world marked by extreme divisions--from global conflicts to grave human rights violations--public figures struggle to find words that capture humanity's inclination to fracture itself. Throughout history, humanity has been plagued by unspeakable horrors like slavery, colonialism, the Holocaust, rampant refugee crises, femicide, and state brutality, all rooted in the belief in an irreconcilable "other." We yearn for a language that is capacious enough to make sense of all kinds of oppressions--whether tied to religion, ethnicity, ancestry, sexual orientation, ability, or gender. Terms like tribalism, prejudice, stigma, and caste have all been used to ignite change. They all, however, fall short. Belonging without Othering is a profound exploration arguing that the struggles faced by marginalized groups can only be fully grasped through the lenses of othering and belonging. Social justice lion and scholar john a. powell, and acclaimed researcher Stephen Menendian, the main champions of these ideas, unearth the mechanisms of othering, drawing on examples from around the world and throughout history. In a time when diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are being contested, and activists narrowly concentrate on specific and sometimes conflicting communities, this book offers an approach that encourages us to turn toward one another--even if it involves questioning seemingly tolerant and benevolent forms of othering. Crucially, the authors assert that there's no inherent or inevitable notion of an "other." The authors make a compelling case for a true "belongingness paradigm," one that liberates us from rigid self-concepts while celebrating our rich diversity. This paradigm hinges on transitioning from narrow to expansive identities that bind people together in unprecedented ways. As the threat of authoritarianism grows across the globe, powell and Menendian make the case that belonging without othering is the natural but not the inevitable next step of our long journey toward creating truly equitable democracies"--
일반주제명Group identity.
Belonging (Social psychology)
Other (Philosophy) -- Social aspects.
Other (Philosophy) -- Political aspects.
Intergroup relations.
Identite? collective.
Appartenance (Psychologie sociale)
Alte?rite? -- Aspect social.
Alte?rite? -- Aspect politique.
Relations intergroupes.
group identity.
Belonging (Social psychology)
Group identity
Intergroup relations
기타형태 저록Print version:Powell, John A., 1947-Belonging without otheringStanford, California : Stanford University Press, 20249781503638846


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