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The living art of violin playing : progressive form /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Taranto-Pyatt, Maureen, author.
Stickel, Peter, author.
서명/저자사항The living art of violin playing :progressive form /Maureen Taranto-Pyatt ; with Peter Stickel.
발행사항Bloomington, Indiana : Indiana University Press, [2023]
형태사항1 online resource (xx, 315 pages) : illustrations
소장본 주기WorldCat record variable field(s) change: 050

일반주기 Includes index.
내용주기Introduction -- Part One. Left arm. Left arm overview; Left arm subdivisions; Total left arm; Left wrist; Left palm; Left-hand knuckles; Left-hand fingers; Left-hand finger action; Left thumb; Finer balances of the left hand; Left hand formation; Lower outside corner; Shifts; Scales; Trills; Vibrato -- Part Two. Right arm. Right forearm; Right hand; Total right arm; Bow form and application; The bow stroke : speed, balance, and mental projection -- Part Three: Integration. Full body balance; An expanded approach to scales and arpeggios; Mental training and progressive form.
요약"Blending creative insights with wisdom of the masters, professional violinist Maureen Taranto-Pyatt shares practical guidance in her new methodology, Progressive Form. With The Living Art of Violin Playing, violinists will learn to appreciate the physics and geometry of movement to facilitate a nuanced flow of compression and release in playing. A gradual building of technique begins from sitting or standing, moves through the torso into the left arm, sets up an effective bow arm, and then combines the two in a holistic context. Imagery invigorates each of the technical movements, instilling new patterns and integrating components into new, larger forms. Featuring nearly 400 photos and musical examples to illustrate technical elements of balance and gesture, Progressive Form can be used as a step-by-step retooling of technique or as a reference to target specific issues. A comprehensive exploration of method in service of musical expression, The Living Art of Violin Playing offers the aspiring and serious violinist a path toward a more liberated musical world"--
요약"Blending creative insights with wisdom of the masters, professional violinist Maureen Taranto-Pyatt shares practical guidance in her new methodology, Progressive Form.With The Living Art of Violin Playing, violinists will learn to appreciate the physics and geometry of movement to facilitate a nuanced flow of compression and release in the playing. A gradual building of technique begins from sitting or standing, moves through the torso into the left arm first, sets up an effective bow arm, and then combines the two in a holistic context. Imagery invigorates each of the technical moments, instilling new patterns that are now memorable and integrating each component into larger forms.Featuring nearly 400 photos and music examples to illustrate technical elements through balance and gesture, Progressive Form can be used as a step-by-step retooling of technique or as a reference for targeted issues. A comprehensive exploration of method in service of musical expression, The Living Art of Violin Playing offers the aspiring and serious violinist a path toward a more liberated musical world"--
일반주제명Violin -- Instruction and study.
Violin -- Performance.
Violon -- E?tude et enseignement.
Violon -- Exe?cution.
MUSIC / Instruction & Study / Techniques.
MUSIC / Musical Instruments / Strings.
Violin -- Instruction and study
Violin -- Performance
기타형태 저록Print version:Taranto-Pyatt, Maureen.Living art of violin playingBloomington, Indiana : Indiana University Press, 20239780253066602


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