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Way Down in the Hole : Race, Intimacy, and the Reproduction of Racial Ideologies in Solitary Confinement /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Hattery, Angela J., author.
Kupers, Terry A., contributor.
Smith, Earl, author.
서명/저자사항Way Down in the Hole :Race, Intimacy, and the Reproduction of Racial Ideologies in Solitary Confinement /Earl Smith, Angela J. Hattery.
발행사항New Brunswick, NJ : Rutgers University Press, [2022]
형태사항1 online resource (238 p.) : 7 b&w images.
총서사항Critical Issues in Crime and Society
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3
내용주기Frontmatter --Contents --Foreword --Introduction --Part One. The Hole --Chapter 1 A Day in the Hole --Chapter 2 Solitary Confinement in Context --Chapter 3 Ideal Types --Part Two. Scholar's Story --Chapter 4 Recruiting People Incarcerated in Solitary Confinement --Chapter 5 Fox News or CNN? --Chapter 6 Racism in Solitary Confinement --Chapter 7 The Cell Assignment: race is the first consideration --Chapter 8 It's "Culture" not "Race" --Part Three. CO Porter and Dr. Emma --Chapter 9 Locating Prisons in Rural Settings --Chapter 10 Prison Town -- Larrabee --Chapter 11 Dr. Emma and the Professional Staff --Chapter 12 The Hotel --Chapter 13 It's Either This or the Coal Mine --Chapter 14 CO Porter "sometimes i sleep in my car" --Part Four. Fifty's Story --Chapter 15 Dehumanization --Chapter 16 Language --Chapter 17 Studies with Monkeys --Chapter 18 Hygiene Products --Chapter 19 The Mirror --Chapter 20 Food --Chapter 21 Time --Chapter 22 Mail --Chapter 23 Choosing the Hole --Chapter 24 Freelimo: the silencing of the political prisoner --Chapter 25 Extreme Violence --Part Five. Marina's Story --Chapter 26 Welcome to SCI-Women --Chapter 27 The Women's Hole --Chapter 28 Meeting the Mass Killer: solitary confinement is her "home" --Chapter 29 The BMU --Chapter 30 Sally --Chapter 31 CO Lisa --Chapter 32 Wendi --Chapter 33 "Do You Think I'll Die Here?" -- Marina --Part Six. CO Travis --Chapter 34 We Are the Essential Workers --Chapter 35 Solitary Confinement Isn't a Daycare! --Chapter 36 Correctional PTSD --Chapter 37 "Therapy" with Dr. Emma --Chapter 38 The Grift: faking mental illness to get a candy bar --Chapter 39 The Flipped Script: tvs, trays, and [flush] toilets --Chapter 40 Not Always in Sync: the job of the co and the work of the co --Chapter 41 Intimate Interracial Contact and Intimate Surveillance --Part Seven. White Supremacy and the Lies White People Tell Themselves --Chapter 42 The "Origin" Lie: the negro is the problem --Chapter 43 Emancipated Slaves and the White Sharecropper --Chapter 44 Strangers in Their Own Land --Chapter 45 Dying by Whiteness --Chapter 46 Bending the Rules: creating humanity in inhumane spaces --Chapter 47 The Lies the COs Tell Themselves --Chapter 48 "Anything But Race" Theories --Chapter 49 January 6, 2021: the big lie --Epilogue --Abbreviations and Terms --Acknowledgments --Notes --Bibliography --Index --About the Authors
요약Based on ethnographic observations and interviews with inmates, correctional officers, and civilian staff conducted in solitary confinement units, Way Down in the Hole explores the myriad ways in which daily, intimate interactions between those locked up twenty-four hours a day and the correctional officers charged with their care, custody, and control produce and reproduce hegemonic racial ideologies. Smith and Hattery explore the outcome of building prisons in rural, economically depressed communities, staffing them with white people who live in and around these communities, filling them with Black and brown bodies from urban areas and then designing the structure of solitary confinement units such that the most private, intimate daily bodily functions take place in very public ways. Under these conditions, it shouldn't be surprising, but is rarely considered, that such daily interactions produce and reproduce white racial resentment among many correctional officers and fuel the racialized tensions that inmates often describe as the worst forms of dehumanization. Way Down in the Hole concludes with recommendations for reducing the use of solitary confinement, reforming its use in a limited context, and most importantly, creating an environment in which inmates and staff co-exist in ways that recognize their individual humanity and reduce rather than reproduce racial antagonisms and racial resentment.
일반주제명Minorities -- Effect of imprisonment on.
Prisoners -- Social conditions.
Solitary confinement.
Prisonniers -- Conditions sociales.
Prisoners -- Social conditions
Solitary confinement
언어In English.


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