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Reading theory now : an ABC of good reading with J. Hillis Miller / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Dunne, E?amonn, author.
서명/저자사항Reading theory now[electronic resource] :an ABC of good reading with J. Hillis Miller /Eamonn Dunne ; preface by J. Hillis Miller and afterword by Julian Wolfreys.
발행사항New York : Bloomsbury, 2013.
형태사항1 online resource (xxxiii, 139 p.)
ISBN9781441108425 (electronic bk.)
1441108424 (electronic bk.)

서지주기Includes bibliographical references (p. [131]-134) and index.Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Introduction: excursus, excursus -- A before B: of course...: A-- Anacoluthon; B-- Beginnings; C-- Character; D-- Decision; E-- Exegesis; F-- Figure; G-- Graph; H-- Hypertext; I-- Intersubjectivity; J-- Joy; K-- Kiss; L-- Line; M-- Middle; N-- Nachtra?glickeit; O-- Others; P-- Promise; Q-- queer; R-- Responsibility; S-- Surd; T-- Topography; U-- Uncanny; V-- Virtuality; W-- Writing; X-- X; Y-- Yarn; Z-- Zero.
요약"The ABC of Good Reading explores movements in critical thinking through a host of radical theorists, and to channel those movements through the work of one of the most influential proponents of critical interpretation in the world today, J. Hillis Miller. It enables its readers to see how and why theoretical models of reading are of use only in the practical event of reading literary and philosophical texts, that the politics and poetics of interpretive paradigms are constantly shifting, changing and evolving as present day perspectives transform those traditions unalterably. it seeks to invite its readers to challenge the concept of the paradigm, the school, the movement, even the sequence, by presenting them with a choice to read in their own way, to "dip" in and out of singular events of interpretation from A to Z. In this respect The ABC of Good Reading invites its audience to decide for him/herself where they begin and end their own critical analyses. The ABC of Good Reading also contains: *A Preface by J. Hillis Miller which comments on the significance of reading as an event and the centrality of political and ecological issues in his most recent work.<br/>*An Afterword by Julian Wolfreys which tackles these issues in Miller's latest books.<br/>*A select annotated bibliography which will help students coming to Miller's work for the first time to find their own way into his vast critical corpus"--
요약"Reading Theory Now explores movements in critical thinking through a host of radical theorists, and channels those movements through the work of one of the most influential proponents of critical interpretation in the world today, J. Hillis Miller. It enables its readers to see how and why theoretical models of reading are of use only in the practical event of reading literary and philosophical texts, that the politics and poetics of interpretive paradigms are constantly shifting, changing and evolving as present day perspectives transform those traditions unalterably. Dunne invites readers to challenge the concept of the paradigm, the school, the movement, even the sequence, by presenting them with a choice to read in their own way, to "dip" in and out of singular events of interpretation from A to Z. In this respect Reading Theory Now invites its audience to decide for him/herself where they begin and end their own critical analyses. Reading Theory Now also contains: *A Preface by J. Hillis Miller which comments on the significance of reading as an event and the centrality of political and ecological issues in his most recent work. *An Afterword by Julian Wolfreys which tackles these issues in Miller's latest books. *A select annotated bibliography which will help students coming to Miller's work for the first time to find their own way into his vast critical corpus"--
주제명(개인명)Miller, J. Hillis(Joseph Hillis), -- 1928-
Miller, Joseph Hillis,1928-
일반주제명Criticism -- United States.
LITERARY CRITICISM / Semiotics & Theory.
기타형태 저록Print version:Dunne, E?amonn, author.Reading theory now.New York : Bloomsbury, 20139781441174581


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