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The Spanish Republic and the Civil War, 1931-1939 [electronic resource] /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Jackson, Gabriel.
서명/저자사항The Spanish Republic and the Civil War, 1931-1939[electronic resource] /by Gabriel Jackson.
발행사항Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2012.
형태사항1 online resource : ill., maps.
총서사항Princeton paperbacks ;102
ISBN9781400820184 (electronic bk.)
1400820189 (electronic bk.)

서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기Cover; Title; Copyright; Preface; Organizations and Political Terms; Contents; Appendices; 1. The Background of the Spanish Republic; 2. The First Days of the Republic; 3. The Creation of a Constitution; 4. The Politics of the Azan?a Government; 5. Economic Problems During the Azan?a Era; 6. The Defeat of the Left; 7. Government by the Center-Right; 8. The Revolution of October 1934; 9. Politics and Ideologies in 1935; 10. The Popular Front Election; 11. From February to June 1936; 12. The Approach of the Civil War; 13. The Pronunciamiento of July 17-20.
14. The Beginnings of International Intervention15. Military Developments, August-October 1936; 16. Revolution and Terror in the Popular Front Zone; 17. Authority and Terror in the Insurgent Zone; 18. The Assault on Madrid; 19. Politics and War in Early 1937; 20. Guadalajara and the Unification of Nationalist Spain; 21. The Fall of Largo Caballero; 22. The War in the North; 23. The Initiatives of the Negri?n Government; 24. The Development of Nationalist Spain; 25. Efforts to Limit Suffering and Destruction; 26. The Ebro and the Fall of Catalonia; 27. The End of the War.
28. The Spanish TragedyA: Chronology; B: The Black Legend of the Spanish Republic; C: The Elections of the Second Spanish Republic; D: Deaths Attributable to the Civil War; Bibliography; Index; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; X; Y; Z.
요약At the time of its occurrence, the Spanish Civil War epitomized for the Western world the confrontation of democracy, fascism, and communism. An entire generation of Englishmen and Americans felt a deeper emotional involvement in that war than in any other world event of their lifetimes, including the Second World War. On the Continent, its "lessons," as interpreted by participants of many nationalities, have played an important role in the politics of both Western Europe and the People's Democracies. Everywhere in the Western world, readers of history have noted parallels between the Spanish.
일반주제명HISTORY / Europe / Spain & Portugal.
주제명(지명)Spain -- History -- Republic, 1931-1939.
기타형태 저록Print version:Jackson, Gabriel.Spanish Republic and the Civil War, 1931-1939.Princeton : Princeton University Press, 20129780691007571


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