자료유형 | E-Book |
개인저자 | Postmus, Judy L. |
서명/저자사항 | Sexual violence and abuse[electronic resource] :an encyclopedia of prevention, impacts, and recovery /Judy L. Postmus, editor. |
발행사항 | Santa Barbara, Calif. : Abc-Clio, c2013. |
형태사항 | 1 online resource (2 v. (xxxii, 841 p.)) |
ISBN | 1598847562 (electronic bk.) 9781598847567 (electronic bk.) |
서지주기 | Includes bibliographical references and index. |
내용주기 | v. 1.A-N.Abortion-Countertransference --Abortion --Acquaintance Rape --Advocacy --Advocates --Africa--Congo and Rwanda --African Americans --Alcohol and Drug Abuse (Overview) --Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Child Sexual Abuse --Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Perpetration --Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Victimization --Alcohol to Subdue Victims --Alcohol-Facilitated Sexual Assault --Attachment Disorder --Bias, Police and Prosecution --Biblical Legacy --Bringing in the Bystander (Program) --Buddhism --Burnout in Human Services --Bystander Intervention --Castration, Chemical --Child Abuse Hotlines --Child Abuse and Prevention Treatment Act (CAPTA) --Child Advocacy Centers --Child Maltreatment (Neglect and Physical) --Child Pornography --Child Protective Services --Child Sexual Abuse --Child Sexual Abuse, Adult Survivors of --China --Christianity --Civil Commitment of Sex Offenders --Clergy Abuse --Clergy Response --Coaching Boys into Men (Program) --Cognitive Behavioral Therapy --Colleges and Universities --Comfort Women --Consent --Coping Mechanisms -- Countertransference (Therapists) --Criminal Justice and Perpetrators --Criminal Justice and Victims --Criminal Sexual Assault or Misconduct --Crisis Counseling --Crisis Intervention --Cumulative Abuse --Data Collection --Date Rape --Definitions of Sexual Violence (Overview) --Depression and Anxiety --Developmental Challenges --Disclosure, Seeking Help --Discretion, Law Enforcement --Discretion, Prosecutorial --Drug-Facilitated Rape --Eastern Europe --Eating Disorders --EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) --Emergency Rooms and Medical Settings --Empowerment --Ethics and Confidentiality (Overview) --Ethnic Groups (Overview) --Expert Testimony --Exposure Therapy --False Allegations --Female-on-Female Sexual Violence --Female Sex Offenders --Feminism, Influence of --Feminist Practice Theory --Forced Marriage --Forensic Nursing --Forensic Psychology --Foster and Group Homes --Fraternities and Sororities --Gang Rape --The Green Dot (Program) --Grooming the Victim --Group Therapy --Health Belief Model -- Help Seeking (Overview) --Help Seeking, Barriers to --Help Seeking, Formal and Informal --Help Seeking, from Family and Friends --Hinduism --History (Overview) --Homophobic Acts --Hotlines --Impact and Consequences (Overview) --Impact, Brain Functioning --Impact, Community --Impact, Economic --Impact, Family --Impact, Intimate Relationships --Impact, Perpetrators --Impact, School --Impact, Social Functioning --Impact, Work --Incest --Individuals with Disabilities --Intersections with Other Forms of Abuse (Overview) --Intimate Partner Violence --Islam --Israel and the Middle East --Japan --Judaism --"Justifiable Rape" --Korea --Latinos and Latinas --Laws, Child Abuse --Laws, Rape --Laws, Victim Shield --Legal Responses (Overview) --Lie Detector Tests --Literary Rape --Literature and Media (Overview) --Male-on-Male Sexual Violence --Marital Rape --Media Literacy --Medicalization of Rape --Megan's Law --The Men's Program --Mentors in Violence Prevention (Program) --Military Sexual Trauma --Molestation --Narrative Therapy --Native Americans --Neurobiology, Interventions Using --News Media, Representation in --Nursing Homes. v. 2.O-Y.Organizational Response (Overview) --Perpetrators (Overview) --Perpetrators, Interventions with (Overview) --Play Therapy --Pornography --Pornography, Internet --Pregnancy --Prevention (Overview) --Prevention, Child Sexual Abuse --Prevention, Colleges and Universities --Prevention, Dating Violence --Prevention, Ecological Model of --Prevention, Involving Men --Prevention, Levels --Prevention, Organizations for --Prevention versus Risk Reduction --Prisons, Rape in Female --Prisons, Rape in Male --Prostitution --PTSD and Stress --Racism --Rape --Rape, Admitting --Rape, Adult --Rape, Cyber --Rape, Denial --Rape, Older Adult --Rape Crisis Centers --Rape Drugs --"Rape Justification" --Rape Kits --Rape Myths --Reactions, Family and Friends --Reactions, Mothers --Reactions, Support Providers --"Real Rape" and Blaming Victims --"Real Rape" and "Real Victims"--Correcting Misinformation --Reasoned Action Approach --Recovery --Refugee Women in the United States --Religious Groups (Overview) --Remembrance and Mourning --Reporting, Blind --Reporting, Mandated and Abuse Registries --Reporting Rates -- Repressed Memories --Research (Overview) --Research, Interviewing --Research, Measurement --Research Subjects, Protecting Rights --Response, Schools and Colleges --Revictimization, Individuals --Revictimization, Organizations --Risk Assessments --Risk for Future Violence --Runaway and Throwaway Youth --Rural Communities --Safety Plans --Sampling --SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) --SARTs (Sexual Assault Response Teams) --SCREAM Theater (Program) --Sex Industry (Overview) --Sex Offender Registries --Sex Workers --Sexting --Sexual Assault --Sexual Coercion --Sexual Freedom --Sexual Harassment --Sexual Harassment at Work --Sexually Acting Out --Sibling Abuse, Defining --Sibling Abuse, Identifying and Impact of --Simple Rape --Social Norms Approach --Solution-Focused Brief Therapy --South Asians in the United States --Specialized Victims Units (Police) --Spirituality --Sports Teams --Stalking --Statistics --Statutory Rape --STDs and HIV/AIDS --Stranger Rape --Strengths Perspective --Stress Inoculation Training --Strip Clubs --Substance Abuse as a Consequence --Substantiation (of Legal Charges) --Suicidality -- Support Groups --Technology, Use of (Overview) --Teen Dating Abuse --Theories (Overview) --Theories, Psychological --Theories, Sociobiological --Theories, Sociocultural --Theory, Coercive Control --Theory, Continuum of Violence --Theory, Diffusion of Innovations --Theory, Ecological Approach --Theory, Feminist --Theory, General Theory of Crime --Theory, Hegemonic Masculinity --Theory, Male Peer Support --Therapeutic Interviewing Strategies --Trafficking in Persons --Trauma, Secondary --Trauma Therapy --Traumatic Bonding --Treatment Programs for Sexual Offenders --Underreporting --Undetected Rapists --Unintended Rape --The Vagina Monologues --Vicarious Traumatization --Victimization, Prevalence of --Victims (Overview) --Victims, Blaming --Victims, Credibility --Victims, Disclosure --Victims, Guilt and Shame --Victims, Identifying --Victims, Male --Victims, Repeat --Victims and Interventions (Overview) --Video Games (Rape Fantasy Games) --Violence against Women Act (VAWA) --Voyeurism --War, Tactic of --Websites for Perpetrators --Websites for Victims --Yoga Therapy --Recommended Resources --Index --About the Editor and Contributors. |
요약 | This work provides a comprehensive understanding of sexual violence and abuse, a pervasive and persistent social problem plaguing millions of women, children, and men across the globe. |
일반주제명 | Sex crimes. Sex crimes -- Prevention. SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sexual Abuse & Harassment. |
언어 | 영어 |
기타형태 저록 | Print version:Sexual violence and abuse.Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, c20139781598847550 |
대출바로가기 | http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&scope=site&db=nlebk&db=nlabk&AN=533926 |
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