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검색 타입
검색어[가나다ABC : 전체]
52건 중 52건 출력
1/3 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
영어 삭제


열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
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서명 저자 발행기관 청구기호 발행년 수록
1 학위논문 "How to be" 미리보기
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우종섭 서강대학교 843 우75ㅎ 1984
2 학위논문 (A) minimalist approach to English causative constructions 미리보기
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Tae-Soo Sung Hankuk university of foreign studies 745 S958m 1996
3 학위논문 (A)diachronic grammar of verb movement in English =영어 동사이동의 통시적 연구 미리보기
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조남호 서울대학교 745 조192ㄷ 1993
4 학위논문 (A)minimalist approach to case =최소이론에 입각한 격의 연구 미리보기
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陸準喆 大邱大學校 745 육76ㅁ 1995
5 학위논문 (A)progressive approach to translation / [초판] 미리보기
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Geun-shik Kim. Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies 740.5 K49p 1982
6 학위논문 (A)streetcar named desire의 상징적 수법에 관한 연구 미리보기
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朴乃正 曉星女子大學校 842 박193ㅅ 1987
7 학위논문 (A)study on abnormal grain growth in alumina =알루미나의 이상입성장에 관한 연구 미리보기
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So Ik Bae Pohang Institute of science & Technology 576.72 배55ㅇ 1993
8 학위논문 (A)study on the design of ITS application using IDRF 미리보기
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Esam Ali Albhelil Ajou University 534 알47ㅅ 1997
9 학위논문 (A)thermodynamic and MO study of the ioni association of para-substituted N-methyl pyridinium iodides in ethanol-water mizture 미리보기
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Jee Jong Gi Hanyang Univ 437 지75ㄷ 1981
10 학위논문 (An) Investigation of the Value of Minimizing Objective Functions over the Efficient Set in Multiple Criteria Decision Making 미리보기
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Dong-yeup Lee [지음] University of Florida 325 D682i 1992
11 학위논문 (An)Econometric analysis of import demand for rice in the Middle East and Africa / [초판] . 미리보기
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Yong E. Kim Mississippi State University 522 K49e 1988
12 학위논문 (The) Subset Principle and Acquisition of English Anaphors by Koreans 미리보기
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김미숙 저 서강대학교 대학원 740 김38ㅅ 1991
13 학위논문 (The)Development of poetic techniques in selected early poems of William Carlos Williams 미리보기
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양현철 서강대학교 841 양94ㄷ 1987
14 학위논문 (The)Impact of the Tax Reform act of 1984 on the shareholder returns of the life insurance companies 미리보기
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Kim, Uk-Hun University of Pennsylvania 328.16 김66ㅇ 1989
15 학위논문 (The)impact of exchance rate variability on exports and imports 미리보기
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Jae-Hee Yoon University of Nebraska 326.21 윤73ㅇ 1989
16 학위논문 (The)liberalism-communitarianism debate 미리보기
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Pilhong Hwang The University of Utah 340.1 황898ㄹ 1994
17 학위논문 (The)relationship between learning style of field independence/dependence and the use of learning strategies of korean adult learners of english as a second language 미리보기
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Young-Min Kim Texas A&M University 740 김64ㄹ 1992
18 학위논문 A study on the generalized binding theory 미리보기
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Tae Soo Sung Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies 701.5 S958m 1989
19 학위논문 BaTio₃의 절연파괴, 부분방전 및 전계에 의한 미세균열 현상 미리보기
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신병철 한국과학기술원 530.48 신44ㅂ 1988
20 학위논문 Clause-embedding verbs and the interpretation of wh-in-situ 미리보기
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Jae-Gyun Song The University of Texas 745 송73ㅋ 1994
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