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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1 전자책 Radicalization to terrorism : what everyone needs to know / 미리보기
Moskalenko, Sophia Oxford University Press 2020 URL
2 전자책 Radicalization to terrorism : what everyone needs to know / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Moskalenko, Sophia Oxford University Press 2020 URL
3 전자책 Ranking : the unwritten rules of the social game we all play / 미리보기
Erdi, Peter Oxford University Press 2019 URL
4 전자책 Ranking : the unwritten rules of the social game we all play / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Erdi, Peter Oxford University Press 2019 URL
5 전자책 Referring to the world : an opinionated introduction to the theory of reference / 미리보기
Taylor, Kenneth Allen Oxford University Press 2021 URL
6 전자책 Referring to the world : an opinionated introduction to the theory of reference / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Taylor, Kenneth Allen Oxford University Press 2021 URL
7 전자책 Religion and medicine : a history of the encounter between humanity's two greatest institutions / 미리보기
Levin, Jeffrey S. Oxford University Press 2020 URL
8 전자책 Religion and medicine : a history of the encounter between humanity's two greatest institutions / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Levin, Jeffrey S. Oxford University Press 2020 URL
9 전자책 Religious freedom in Islam : the fate of a universal human right in the Muslim world today / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Philpott, Daniel Oxford University Press 2019 URL
10 전자책 Reluctant European : Britain and the European Union from 1945 to Brexit / 미리보기
Wall, Stephen Oxford University Press 2020 URL
11 전자책 Reluctant European : Britain and the European Union from 1945 to Brexit / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Wall, Stephen Oxford University Press 2020 URL
12 전자책 Representing Russia's orient : from ethnography to art song / 미리보기
Issiyeva, Adalyat Oxford University Press 2021 URL
13 전자책 Representing Russia's orient : from ethnography to art song / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Issiyeva, Adalyat Oxford University Press 2021 URL
14 전자책 Reproducible econometrics using R / 미리보기
Racine, Jeffrey Scott Oxford University Press 2019 URL
15 전자책 Reproducible econometrics using R / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Racine, Jeffrey Scott Oxford University Press 2019 URL
16 전자책 Resonant recoveries : French music and trauma between the world wars / 미리보기
Rogers, Jillian C. Oxford University Press 2021 URL
17 전자책 Resonant recoveries : French music and trauma between the world wars / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Rogers, Jillian C. Oxford University Press 2021 URL
18 전자책 Rethinking Mendelssohn / 미리보기
Taylor, Benedict Oxford University Press 2020 URL
19 전자책 Rethinking Mendelssohn / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Taylor, Benedict Oxford University Press 2020 URL
20 전자책 Rise of Digital Repression : how technology is reshaping power, politics, and resistance / 미리보기
Feldstein, Steven Oxford University Press 2021 URL
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