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39건 중 39건 출력
1/2 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1 전자책 A Jewish Guide in the Holy Land : How Christian Pilgrims Made Me Israeli [electronic resource] 미리보기
Feldman, Jackie. Indiana University Press 2016 URL
2 전자책 J'ai de?cide? d'e?tre heureux... au travail 미리보기
Thiriet, Jean-Franc偈ois. 2016 URL
3 전자책 J'arre?te d'e?tre jaloux(se)! / 미리보기
Geberowicz, Bernard 2016 URL
4 전자책 J'arre?te d'e?tre mal dans mon couple! : 21 jours pour sauver l'amour / 미리보기
Ballet de Coquereaumont, Marie-France 2016 URL
5 전자책 J'arre?te de me trouver nul(le) ! : retrouver confiance et estime de soi / 미리보기
Poivilliers, Clotilde 2016 URL
6 전자책 J'arre?te de procrastiner! : 21 jours pour arre?ter de tout remettre au lendemain / 미리보기
Rolland, Diane Ballonad 2016 URL
7 전자책 J. J. Abrams vs. Joss Whedon : duel for media master of the universe / 미리보기
Sterba, Wendy. 2016 URL
8 전자책 Jacked up and unjust : Pacific Islander teens confront violent legacies / 미리보기
Irwin, Katherine 2016 URL
9 전자책 James Jones : the limits of eternity / 미리보기
Williams, Tony J. 2016 URL
10 전자책 James Newton Howard's Signs : a film score guide / 미리보기
Heine, Erik 2016 URL
11 전자책 Jane Austen and philosophy / 미리보기
Marinucci, Mimi Rowman & Littlefield 2016 URL
12 전자책 Japanese society and the politics of the North Korean threat / 미리보기
Lee, Seung Hyok 2016 URL
13 전자책 Jawless fishes of the world / 미리보기
Orlov, Alexei Beamish, R. J. Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2016 URL
14 전자책 Jazz diasporas : race, music, and migration in post-World War II Paris / 미리보기
Braggs, Rashida K. 2016 URL
15 전자책 Je mange Veggie / 미리보기
Maiocco, Ona 2016 URL
16 전자책 Je retiens ce que je veux quand je veux ! : 35 jeux et exercices pour entrai?ner et booster votre me?moire / 미리보기
Allain, Gae?l 2016 URL
17 전자책 Jesuits telling jokes : a (serious) introduction to Ignatian spirituality / 미리보기
Sintobin, Nikolaas 2016 URL
18 전자책 Jewellery design and manufacture operations : delivery delays and solutions / 미리보기
Lawrence, Brian 2016 URL
19 전자책 Jewish feminism and intersectionality / 미리보기
Brettschneider, Marla State University of New York Press 2016 URL
20 전자책 Jimmy Carter in Africa : race and the Cold War / 미리보기
Mitchell, Nancy 2016 URL
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