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The college devaluation crisis : market disruption, diminishing ROI, and an alternative future of learning / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Wingard, Jason, author.
서명/저자사항The college devaluation crisis :market disruption, diminishing ROI, and an alternative future of learning /Jason Wingard.[electronic resource]
형태사항1 online resource (xv, 252 pages) : illustrations
소장본 주기WorldCat record variable field(s) change: 050

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Part I. The evolution of job readiness and credentialing in the United States. The college degree : false panacea or freighted promise? -- The arc to the "golden age" ... and emerging decline -- Part II. Innovation and the rise of competitive higher education alternatives. Competitive models : traditional vs. alternative -- College partnerships -- Employer partnerships -- Solo disruptors -- Bridge-builders -- Part III. Demystifying gap trends and promoting a call to action. Emergent themes in alternative learning -- Evolving trends in the future of learning.
요약"Employers are stepping in to innovate new approaches to training talent that increasingly operates independently of the higher education sector. The value proposition of the college degree, long the most guaranteed route to professional preparation for work, is no longer keeping pace with rapidly evolving skill needs that derive from technological advancements impacting today's work force. If the university system does not engage in responsive restructuring, more and more workplaces will bypass them entirely and, instead, identify alternative sources of training that equip learners with competencies to directly meet dynamic needs. The College Devaluation Crisis makes the case that employers and other learning and development entities are emerging to innovate new approaches to training talent that, at times, relies on the higher education sector, but increasingly operates independently in order to satisfy talent needs more agilely and effectively. Written primarily for managers, the book focuses on case studies from leading companies, including Google, Ernst & Young, IBM, and Marriott, to illustrate their innovative strategies for talent development across varying levels of individual education, age, and background. The book also addresses professionals on the university side, urging readers to consider the question: Will higher education pivot and adapt, or will it resist change and, therefore, be replaced?"--
일반주제명Labor supply -- Effect of education on -- United States.
Employees -- Training of -- United States.
College graduates -- Employment -- United States.
Vocational qualifications -- United States.
Education, Higher -- Economic aspects -- United States.
Marche? du travail -- Effets de l'e?ducation sur -- E?tats-Unis.
Personnel -- Formation -- E?tats-Unis.
Qualifications professionnelles -- E?tats-Unis.
Enseignement supe?rieur -- Aspect e?conomique -- E?tats-Unis.
College graduates -- Employment.
Education, Higher -- Economic aspects.
Employees -- Training of.
Labor supply -- Effect of education on.
Vocational qualifications.
주제명(지명)United States. -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:Wingard, Jason.College devaluation crisisStanford, California : Stanford Business Books, an imprint of Stanford University Press, 20229781503627536


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