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Robespierre : the man who divides us the most / [electronic resource]

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개인저자Gauchet, Marcel, author.
DeBevoise, M. B., translator.
서명/저자사항Robespierre :the man who divides us the most /Marcel Gauchet ; translated by Malcolm DeBevoise ; with a foreword by David A. Bell and Hugo Drochon.[electronic resource]
형태사항1 online resource (xxii, 199 page)
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3

일반주기 "First published in French under the title Robespierre: L'homme qui nous divise le plus by Marcel Gauchet 짤 Editions Gallimard, 2018."
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Introduction The Incorruptible and the Tyrant -- The Man of the Revolution of the Rights of Man -- I, the People -- From the Authority of Principles to the Struggle for Power -- Governing the Revolution: The Rule and the Exception -- Governing the Revolution: The Undiscoverable Foundation -- The Two Faces of the Revolution and Its Legacy.
요약"Robespierre is arguably the most controversial and contradictory figure of the French Revolution. He still inspires more passionate debate than any other protagonist of those dramatic and violent events of the late eighteenth century, and he still retains both unconditional admirers as well as fierce critics. The fervor of those who defend the "incorruptible" is met with revulsion of by those invoke the bloodthirsty "tyrant". Robespierre, in fact, is the embodiment of the two competing memories of the Revolution, much as 1789 and 1793 still symbolize the two opposing faces of this foundational event: the glorious accession of liberty, on the one hand, and the excesses which terminated in the Terror, on the other. Only Robespierre is the link between the two. He championed the rights of the people in the Assembly and then through his Montagnard Convention provided the guillotine. In this extended essay, eminent French historian Marcel Gauchet reflects upon the insight that the contradictions of Robespierre were simply the contradictions of the French Revolution itself, in no small part because Robespierre was in his way the purest incarnation of the Revolution. He was neither the defender of the rights of man only later corrupted by power, nor the tyrant who betrayed the principles of the Revolution. He was both: the figure most associated with the founding of modern French democracy was also the first tyrant of that democracy. Gauchet argues that in Robespierre the transition from opposition to government was the embodiment of the tragedy inherent in the Revolution, as its own prophetic ideals were impossible to implement. To understand Robespierre, then, is really to understand the tragedy of modern democracy, for which the descent into tyranny is a perpetual danger"--
주제명(개인명)Robespierre, Maximilien,1758-1794 -- Public opinion.
Robespierre, Maximilien,1758-1794 -- Public opinion.
Robespierre, Maximilien,1758-1794. -- fast --
일반주제명Revolutionaries -- France -- Biography.
Re?volutionnaires -- France -- Biographies.
HISTORY / Europe / France.
PHILOSOPHY / Political.
Politics and government.
Public opinion.
주제명(지명)France -- Politics and government -- 1789-1799.France -- Politique et gouvernement -- 1789-1799.France. -- fast
원저저록Translation of:Gauchet, Marcel.[Paris] : Gallimard, [2018]9782072820922(DLC) 2018432045(OCoLC)on1057297614
기타형태 저록Print version:Gauchet, Marcel.RobespierrePrinceton : Princeton University Press, [2022]9780691212944


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