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Indoor exposure to fine particulate matter and practical mitigation approaches : proceedings of a workshop / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Butler, David A., rapporteur
Alper, Joe, rapporteur.
단체저자명National Academy of Engineering,issuing body.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice.,issuing body.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Health and Medicine Division.,issuing body.
서명/저자사항Indoor exposure to fine particulate matter and practical mitigation approaches :proceedings of a workshop /David A. Butler and Joe Alper, Rapporteurs ; National Academy of Engineering ; Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice ; Health and Medicine Division.[electronic resource]
형태사항1 online resource (177 p.)
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3
서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기1. Introduction -- 2. Outdoor Sources of Indoor Particulate Matter -- 3. Indoor Sources of Indoor Particulate Matter -- 4. Day One Summary -- 5. Health Effects of Exposure to Indoor Particulate Matter -- 6. Indoor Exposure to Particulate Matter: Metrics and Assessment -- 7. Day Two Summary -- 8. Indoor Particulate Matter Exposure Control and Mitigation -- 9. Occupant Responses to Indoor Particulate Matter -- 10. Workshop Summary and Closing Reflections -- References - Appendix A: Workshop Agenda -- Appendix B: Bibliographic Sketches of Planning Committee Members and Workshop Speakers.
요약"Overwhelming evidence exists that exposure to outdoor fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is associated with a range of short-term and chronic health impacts, including asthma exacerbation, acute and chronic bronchitis, heart attacks, increased susceptibility to respiratory infections, and premature death, with the burden of these health effects falling more heavily on underserved and marginalized communities. Although less studied to date, indoor exposure to PM2.5 is also gaining attention as a potential source of adverse health effects, particularly given that Americans spend 90 percent of their lives indoors and indoor PM2.5 levels can exceed outdoor levels. To better understand the sources of indoor PM2.5, the possible health effects of exposure to indoor PM2.5, and engineering approaches and interventions to reduce those exposure risks, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a virtual workshop, Indoor Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Practical Mitigation Approaches, on April 14, 21, and 28, 2021. The workshop focused on exposures that occur in residential and school buildings and on existing and practical mitigation technologies and approaches. This publication summarizes the presentation and discussion of the workshop" --
일반주제명Indoor air pollution -- Health aspects -- Congresses.
Particulate matter -- Health aspects -- Congresses.
기타형태 저록Print version:Engineering, National Academy ofIndoor Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Practical Mitigation ApproachesWashington, D.C. : National Academies Press,c20229780309263283


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