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Teaching K-12 science and engineering during a crisis / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Self, Jennifer, rapporteur.
단체저자명National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.)
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Board on Science Education.,issuing body.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education.,issuing body.
서명/저자사항Teaching K-12 science and engineering during a crisis /Jennifer Self ; Board on Science Education, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education ; based on the following reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Medicine, and Engineering: a framework for K-12 science education: practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas developing assessments for the next generation science standards guide to implementing the next generation science standards science and engineering for grades 6-12: investigation and design at the center English learners in STEM subjects.[electronic resource]
형태사항1 online resource (xii, 121 pages) : illustrations.
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3

서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기Front matter -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Foundational principles -- 3. Prioritizing relationships and equity -- 4. Adjusting instruction in changing environments -- 5. Managing and modifying the scope of content curriculum -- 6. Mentoring learning for continuous improvement -- 7. Supporting collaborations and leveraging partnerships -- Appendix: Online resources -- About the author -- Acknowledgments
요약The COVID-19 pandemic is resulting in widespread and ongoing changes to how the K-12 education system functions, including disruptions to science teaching and learning environments. Students and teachers are all figuring out how to do schooling differently, and districts and states are working overtime to reimagine systems and processes. This is difficult and stressful work in the middle of the already stressful and sometimes traumatic backdrop of the global pandemic. In addition, students with disabilities, students of color, immigrants, English learners, and students from under-resourced communities have been disproportionately affected, both by the pandemic itself and by the resulting instructional shifts.
요약Teaching K-12 Science and Engineering During a Crisis aims to describe what high quality science and engineering education can look like in a time of great uncertainty and to support practitioners as they work toward their goals. This book includes guidance for science and engineering practitioners - with an emphasis on the needs of district science supervisors, curriculum leads, and instructional coaches. Teaching K-12 Science and Engineering During a Crisis will help K-12 science and engineering teachers adapt learning experiences as needed to support students and their families dealing with ongoing changes to instructional and home environments and at the same time provide high quality in those experiences.--Publisher's website
일반주제명Science -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- United States.
Science -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- United States.
Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- United States.
Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- United States.
Engineering -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- United States.
Engineering -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- United States.
Engineering -- Study and teaching (Elementary)
Engineering -- Study and teaching (Secondary)
Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Elementary)
Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Secondary)
Science -- Study and teaching (Elementary)
Science -- Study and teaching (Secondary)
주제명(지명)United States -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.).Teaching K-12 science and engineering during a crisis.Washington, D.C. : The National Academies Press, [2020]0309681944


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