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NATO and the future of European and Asian security / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Sander Christensen, Carsten, editor.
Maisaia, Vakhtang, editor.
서명/저자사항NATO and the future of European and Asian security /Carsten Sander Christensen, Vakhtang Maisaia.[electronic resource]
발행사항Hershey, PA : Information Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global, [2021]
형태사항1 online resource (xx, 331 pages) : color illustrations, color maps.
총서사항Advances in information security, privacy, and ethics (AISPE) book series
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3

일반주기 "Premier Reference Source" -- taken from front cover.
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Section 1. Asymmetric power and asymmetric threats and NATO transformation policy. Chapter 1. Refugees, mass uncontrolled immigration, and NATO: the situation in the mediterranean sea and the role of the Trans-Atlantic Organization in the 2020s ; Chapter 2. Is NATO brain dead?: Turkey's position and the effects of "patronal politics" on foreign policy ; Chapter 3. Hybrid warfare: new implications for NATO's deterrence and defense asymmetric challenge ; Chapter 4. France's role within NATO: realism through new relations with Russia Franco-Russian relations: a significant element ; Chapter 5. New realities for NATO's modern nuclear policy: nato's nuclear weapons history -- Section 2. Strategic security dilemma geopolitics and its consequences for the Euro-Atlantic community. Chapter 6. The European union's foreign policy future: towards an integrated European defence ; Chapter 7. NATO's strategic culture: static to dynamic -- Section 3. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the fourth war generation (4WG): continuity and change. Chapter 8. Hybrid warfare and the threat to NATO ; Chapter 9. Jihadist hybrid war as an asymmetric military threat to the Euro-Atlantic security system: fourth war generation doctrine, asymmetric warfare strategy, hybrid war concept ; Chapter 10. Energy security as added value for NATO's new missions: non-military dimension on the example of cooperation in the field of energy between American and European partners of NATO -- Section 4. NATO, operational area, possible new territories, and new military and strategic focal points on the earth. Chapter 11. Global security problem in the Arctic Zone: NATO, greenland, Denmark, China, and Russia -- Greenland, the world's biggest military unprotected zone and a future task of NATO and the USA ; Chapter 12. Non-state actors and weapons of mass destruction: security dilemma or security deadlock in aegis of the Euro-Atlantic security provision asymmetric threats in a Black Sea Region: military strategical and operational levels -- Section 5. Securitization theory and NATO strategic concept: shifts toward future security. Chapter 13. The West, Russia, and the Baltic Sea security in the 2020s in the light of Danish foreign policy: the future tasks for NATO in the Baltic Sea area ; Chapter 14. New wars, globalization, and failed states: political, military, societal aspects of securitization and NATO's future missions and tasks ; Chapter 15. NATO without the USA: how long will the alliance survive without American leadership? ; Chapter 16. Cyber warfare and NATO's new security concept: smart defense.
요약"This book offers perspective on the difficult geopolitical and geostrategic conditions and review how new type of warfare - Fourth Generation War - has drastic impact on the Alliance military and defense doctrines contributing to the understanding of the transformation of regional security environment in aegis of the Euro-Atlantic Community"--
주제명(단체명)North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. -- fast --
일반주제명Security, International.
National security -- Europe.
National security -- Asia.
Irregular warfare.
Irregular warfare.
National security.
Security, International.
Strategic aspects of individual places.
주제명(지명)Europe -- Strategic aspects.Asia -- Strategic aspects.Asia. -- fastEurope. -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:NATO and the future of European and Asian securityHershey, PA : Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), [2021]9781799871187


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