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The gene's-eye view of evolution / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자A?gren, J. Arvid, author.
서명/저자사항The gene's-eye view of evolution /J. Arvid Agren.[electronic resource]
발행사항Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2021.
형태사항1 online resource (xiv, 242 pages) : illustrations.
소장본 주기WorldCat record variable field(s) change: 050

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Cover -- The Gene's-Eye View of Evolution -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Preface -- Contents -- Introduction: A New Way to Read Nature -- How to think like a selfish gene -- Aims and outline of the book -- 1: Historical Origins -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Adaptationism and the legacy of natural theology -- 1.2.1 Why William Paley matters -- 1.2.2 Neo-Paleyanbiology in Britain -- 1.3 Population genetics -- 1.3.1 Ronald Aylmer Fisher -- 1.3.2 Fisher (1918) and the birth of the gene's-eye view -- 1.3.3 The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection -- 1.3.4 The gene's-eye view and the Fundamental Theorem made clear -- 1.4 Levels of selection -- 1.4.1 Wynne-Edwards and the origins of naive group selection -- 1.4.2 George Christopher Williams and Adaptation and Natural Selection -- 1.4.3 Three mistakes of naive group selection -- 1.4.4 Calling genes selfish -- 1.5 Summary -- 2: Defining and Refining Selfish Genes -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 What is a selfish gene? -- 2.2.1 How long is a selfish gene? -- 2.2.2 Is a selfish gene a token or a type? -- 2.3 Replicators and vehicles -- 2.3.1 Lloyd's four questions and the immortality of replicators -- 2.4 Memes -- 2.5 General formulations of evolution by natural selection -- 2.5.1 Lewontin's Principles and limits of the replicator-vehicle approach -- 2.5.2 The major transitions and the levels of selection debate -- 2.6 Summary -- 3: Difficulties of The Theory -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Anthropomorphizing -- 3.2.1 Reading Mother Nature's mind and licensed anthropomorphism -- 3.3 Epistasis, heterozygote advantage, and the averaging fallacy -- 3.3.1 Ernst Mayr, Sewall Wright, and the matter with epistasis -- 3.3.2 Heterozygote advantage and the averaging fallacy -- 3.4 The bookkeeping objection -- 3.4.1 Tempered realism and pluralistic gene selectionism -- 3.5 Genetic determinism -- 3.5.1 Evo-devoand developmental systems theory -- 3.6 Human nature and human affairs -- 3.6.1 T.H. Huxley and Darwinian nightmares -- 3.7 Summary -- 4: Inclusive Fitness and Hamilton's Rule -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 The origin and diversity of Hamilton's Rule -- 4.2.1 Hamilton's Rule today -- 4.3 The gene's-eyeview and inclusive fitness: equivalence or historical accident? -- 4.3.1 Formal connections between the gene's-eye view and Hamilton's Rule -- 4.4 Maximization of inclusive fitness and the Formal Darwinism Project -- 4.4.1 Genes versus individuals in the Formal Darwinism Project -- 4.5 Recent reconciliations between the gene's-eye view and inclusive fitness -- 4.5.1 The genetic lineage view of inclusive fitness -- 4.5.2 The folk definition of inclusive fitness and the parliament of genes -- 4.6 Summary -- 5: Empirical Implications -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Extended phenotypes -- 5.2.1 Three kinds of extended phenotypes -- 5.3 Greenbeards -- 5.3.1 Why greenbeards should be rare in nature -- 5.3.2 Helping and harming greenbeards -- 5.4 Selfish genetic elements -- 5.5 Summary
요약The central aim of this accessible book is to show how the gene's-eye view differs from the traditional organismal account of evolution, trace its historical origins, clarify typical misunderstandings and, by using examples from contemporary experimental work, show why so many evolutionary biologists still consider it an indispensable heuristic.
일반주제명Evolutionary genetics.
Selfish genetic elements.
Evolutionary genetics.
Selfish genetic elements.
기타형태 저록Print version:A?gren, J. ArvidThe Gene's-Eye View of EvolutionOxford : Oxford University Press USA - OSO,c20219780198862260


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