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New India : reclaiming the lost glory / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Panagariya, Arvind, author.
서명/저자사항New India :reclaiming the lost glory /Arvind Panagariya.[electronic resource]
발행사항New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2020]
형태사항1 online resource (xii, 275 pages) : illustrations
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Cover -- New India -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Contents -- Preface -- I. A BRIGHT FUTURE AWAITS -- 1. Reclaiming the Lost Glory -- 2. From Command and Control to a More Liberal Order: 1950-??018 -- II. UNDERSTANDING THE CHALLENGE OFTRANSFORMATION -- 3. Underemployment in Agriculture -- 4. Underemployment in Industry and Services -- 5. Walking on Two Legs -- III. THE ROAD TO REFORMS -- 6. Reforms for Export-?딯ed and Manufacturing-?딣ed Growth -- 7. Urbanization: Making Room for Migrant Workers -- 8. Investing Productively: The Securities Market -- 9. Investing Productively: The Banking Sector
10. Transforming Higher Education -- 11. Governance -- 12. Nuggets: A Miscellany of Reforms -- 13. In Conclusion: Revisiting the Past, Looking to the Future -- References -- Index
요약"Its GDP having touched $2.6 trillion, India is poised to become the world's third largest economy in less than a decade. In doing so, it will have moved one step closer to reclaiming its pre-1820s glory when it accounted for one-sixth of the global output and ranked second in economic size. This rapid movement in the absolute size of the economy will be insufficient, however, to bring prosperity to India's vast population. Today, 44% of the country's workforce remains in agriculture and another 42% in tiny enterprises with fewer than 20 workers. Labour productivity of both sets of workers remains low and they live overwhelmingly on subsistence-level incomes. This book lays down a concise roadmap of reforms that would help the country transform and create well-paid jobs in industry and services for those with limited or no skills. It argues that creation of good jobs requires the emergence of medium and large enterprises in industry and services, especially labour-intensive sectors such as apparel, footwear and other light manufactures. India needs policies conducive to the growth of firms from small to medium, medium to large and large to larger still. They must compete in the global marketplace to help increase India's share in the world export market from less than 2% currently to 5 to 6% in a decade. Such policies include greater outward orientation, more flexible land, labour and capital markets, concerted effort to improve the quality of higher education, faster urbanization and improved governance at all levels"--
일반주제명Business enterprises -- India.
Labor market -- India.
Banks and banking -- India.
Banks and banking.
Business enterprises.
Economic policy.
Labor market.
주제명(지명)India -- Economic policy -- 21st century.India. -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:Panagariya, Arvind.New IndiaNew York : Oxford University Press, 2020.9780197531556


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