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Achievement relocked : loss aversion and game design / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Engelstein, Geoffrey, author.
서명/저자사항Achievement relocked :loss aversion and game design /Geoffrey Engelstein.[electronic resource]
발행사항Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2020]
형태사항1 online resource.
총서사항Playful Thinking
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 050

내용주기Cover -- Contents -- On Thinking Playfully -- Preface -- Introduction -- 1. Loss Aversion -- Losing Levels -- Tracking -- Casino Games -- The Rest of the Book -- 2. Endowment Effect -- Weighted Companion Cube -- Robinson Crusoe and First Martians -- Permadeath -- 3. Framing -- Disease -- Offsets and Isolation -- Framing in Board Games -- 4. Utility Theory -- Deal or No Deal -- Path Dependence -- Endowment Effect -- Push-Your-Luck Games -- The Ten-Times Game -- 5. Endowed Progress -- Car Wash Experiment -- Hearthstone Ranked Play -- Chess Rankings -- Liquor Store Experiment
The Settlers of Catan -- Experience in RPGs -- 6. Regret and Competence -- Legacy Games -- Regret Game -- Regret as a Game Design Tool -- Regret and Endowed Progress -- Competence -- Attack/Defend Example: Who Chooses First? -- Video Games versus Board Games -- 7. Putting It All Together -- The Agricola Series -- Conclusion -- Notes -- Introduction -- 1. Loss Aversion -- 2. Endowment Effect -- 3. Framing -- 4. Utility Theory -- 5. Endowed Progress -- 6. Regret and Competence -- 7. Putting It All Together -- Index
요약How game designers can use the psychological phenomenon of loss aversion to shape player experience. Getting something makes you feel good, and losing something makes you feel bad. But losing something makes you feel worse than getting the same thing makes you feel good. So finding $10 is a thrill; losing $10 is a tragedy. On an "intensity of feeling" scale, loss is more intense than gain. This is the core psychological concept of loss aversion, and in this book game creator Geoffrey Engelstein explains, with examples from both tabletop and video games, how it can be a tool in game design. Loss aversion is a profound aspect of human psychology, and directly relevant to game design; it is a tool the game designer can use to elicit particular emotions in players. Engelstein connects the psychology of loss aversion to a range of phenomena related to games, exploring, for example, the endowment effect--why, when an object is ours, it gains value over an equivalent object that is not ours--as seen in the Weighted Companion Cube in the game Portal; the framing of gains and losses to manipulate player emotions; Deal or No Deal 's use of the utility theory; and regret and competence as motivations, seen in the context of legacy games. Finally, Engelstein examines the approach to Loss Aversion in three games by Uwe Rosenberg, charting the designer's increasing mastery.
일반주제명Video games -- Design.
Computer games -- Design.
Loss aversion.
Video games -- Psychological aspects.
Computer games -- Psychological aspects.
Computer games -- Design.
Computer games -- Psychological aspects.
Loss aversion.
Video games -- Design.
Video games -- Psychological aspects.


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