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Docker for developers : develop and run your application with Docker containers using DevOps tools for continuous delivery /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Bullington-McGuire, Richard, author.
Dennis, Andrew K., (Software engineer), author.
Schwartz, Michael, author.
서명/저자사항Docker for developers :develop and run your application with Docker containers using DevOps tools for continuous delivery /Richard Bullington-McGuire, Andrew K. Dennis, and Michael Schwartz.
발행사항Birmingham, UK : Packt Publishing, 2020.
형태사항1 online resource (1 volume) : illustrations
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 082 - OCLC control number change

서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기Cover -- Copyright -- About PACKT -- Contributors -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Section 1: An Introduction to Docker -- Containers and Local Development -- Chapter 1: Introduction to Docker -- The drivers for Docker -- Co-located hosting -- Self-hosting -- Data centers -- Using virtualization to economize resource usage -- Addressing the increasing power requirements -- Using containers to further optimize data center resources -- Summary -- Further reading -- Chapter 2: Using VirtualBox and Docker Containers for Development -- Technical requirements -- Host filesystem pollution problem
Using VirtualBox for virtual machines -- Introduction to virtualization -- Creating a virtual machine -- Guest additions -- Installing VirtualBox -- Using Docker containers -- Introduction to containers -- Using Docker for development -- Getting started with Docker -- Automating Docker commands via sh scripts -- Summary -- Further reading -- Chapter 3: Sharing Containers Using Docker Hub -- Technical requirements -- Introducing Docker Hub -- Interacting with Docker Hub from the command line -- Using the Docker Hub website -- Implementing a MongoDB container for our application
Running a shell within a container -- Introducing the microservices architecture -- Scalability -- Inter-container communication -- Implementing a sample microservices application -- Sharing your containers on Docker Hub -- Summary -- Further reading -- Chapter 4: Composing Systems Using Containers -- Technical requirements -- Introduction to Docker Compose -- The problem with .sh scripts -- Docker Compose configuration files -- Inheritance using multiple configuration files -- The depends_on option -- Adding port bindings using overrides -- Using Docker local networking
Networking using .sh scripts -- Networking with Docker Compose -- Binding a host filesystem within containers -- Optimizing our container size -- Using the build.sh script -- Other composition tools -- Docker Swarm -- Kubernetes -- Packer -- Summary -- Further reading -- Section 2: Running Docker in Production -- Chapter 5: Alternatives for Deploying and Running Containers in Production -- Technical requirements -- Example application -- ShipIt Clicker -- Running Docker in production -- many paths, choose wisely -- What is the minimum realistic production environment?
Bare minimum -- run Docker and Docker Compose on one host -- Docker support -- Problems with single-host deployment -- Managed cloud services -- Google Kubernetes Engine -- AWS Elastic Beanstalk -- AWS ECS and Fargate -- AWS EKS -- Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service -- Digital Ocean Docker Swarm -- Running your own Kubernetes cluster -- from bare metal to OpenStack -- Deciding on the right Docker production setup -- Exercise -- join the ShipIt Clicker team -- Exercise -- choosing from reasonable deployment alternatives -- Exercise -- Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml evaluation -- Summary
일반주제명Application software -- Development.
Computer software -- Development.
Client/server computing.
Open source software.
Application software -- Development
Open source software
Operating systems (Computers)
Virtual computer systems
기타형태 저록Print version:Bullington-McGuire, RichardDocker for Developers : Develop and Run Your Application with Docker Containers Using DevOps Tools for Continuous DeliveryBirmingham : Packt Publishing, Limited,c20209781789536058


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