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Unity certified programmer : exam guide : expert tips and techniques to pass the Unity certification exam at the first attempt /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Walker, Philip, author.
서명/저자사항Unity certified programmer :exam guide : expert tips and techniques to pass the Unity certification exam at the first attempt /Philip Walker.
발행사항Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2020.
형태사항1 online resource
소장본 주기OCLC control number change

서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright and Credits -- About Packt -- Contributors -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 01: Setting Up and Structuring Our Project -- The core exam skills covered in this chapter -- Technical requirements -- The six core objectives -- Programming core interactions -- Working in the art pipeline -- Developing application systems -- Programming for the scene and environment design -- Optimizing performance and platforms -- Working in professional software development teams -- Overview of design patterns -- Builder -- Singleton -- Abstract Factory -- Prototype
Object Pool -- Dependency Injection -- The SOLID principles -- Single responsibility principle -- Open/closed principle -- Liskov substitution principle -- Interface segregation principle -- Dependency inversion principle -- Designing the Killer Wave game -- Game design brief -- The Killer Wave game framework -- Framework -- Setting up Unity -- Starting our project through Unity Hub -- Collaborate -- Setting up Collaborate -- Ignoring files and folders -- Reverting changes -- The dashboard -- Summary -- Chapter 02: Adding and Manipulating Objects -- Core exam skills covered in this chapter
Technical requirements -- Setting up our Unity project -- Creating prefabs -- Enemy prefab and custom tags -- Creating the player's bullet prefab -- Creating and applying a material to the player's bullet -- Adding a light to the player's bullet -- Adding Rigidbody components and fixing game objects -- Saving and publishing our work -- Setting up our camera -- Updating our camera properties via a script -- Setting up our light -- Updating our light properties via a script -- Introducing our interface -- IActorTemplate -- Introducing our ScriptableObject -- SOActorModel
Creating a PlayerSpawner ScriptableObject asset -- Creating an EnemySpawner ScriptableObject asset -- Creating a PlayerBullet ScriptableObject Asset -- Setting up our Player, PlayerSpawner, and PlayerBullet scripts -- Setting up our PlayerSpawner script -- Creating the PlayerSpawner game object -- Setting up our Input Manager -- Setting up our Player script -- Colliding with an enemy -- OnTriggerEnter -- The Movement method -- The Die method -- The Attack method -- Setting up our PlayerBullet script -- Planning and creating our enemy -- Setting up our EnemySpawner and Enemy scripts
Adding our script to the EnemySpawner game object -- Setting up our enemy script -- Summary -- Chapter 03: Managing Scripts and Taking a Mock Test -- The core exam skills covered in this chapter -- Technical requirements -- Adding a Singleton design pattern -- Setting up our ScenesManager script -- Adding the ResetScene() method -- Adding the GameOver() method -- Adding the BeginGame() method -- Adding scenes to our Build Settings window -- Updating our GameManager script -- Creating lives for the player -- Scoring enemy hits -- Preparing the code for the ScoreManager script
요약This exam guide will take you from basic C# programming through the process of downloading, installing, and understanding how Unity works and prepare for your Unity exam. You will go through the core objectives of what is expected for the Unity exam and also have some fun on the way by creating a side-scrolling shooter game using Unity.
주제명(통일서명)Unity (Electronic resource) -- ExaminationsStudy guides.
Unity (Electronic resource)fast
일반주제명Computer games -- Programming -- Examinations -- Study guides.
Computer games -- Design -- Examinations -- Study guides.
Computer graphics -- Examinations -- Study guides.
Computer programmers -- Certification.
Computer graphics -- Examinations.
Computer programmers -- Certification.
기타형태 저록Print version:Walker, PhilipUnity Certified Programmer: Exam GuideBirmingham : Packt Publishing, Limited,c2020


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