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Politics As Religion [electronic resource] /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Gentile, Emilio.
Staunton, George.
서명/저자사항Politics As Religion[electronic resource] /Emilio Gentile, translated by George Staunton
발행사항Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2006.
형태사항1 online resource (146 pages)
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3
일반주기 Description based upon print version of record.
내용주기Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction: The Sacralization of Politics -- Chapter 1: A Never-Never Religion, A Substitute for Religion, or a New Religion? -- Chapter 2: Civil Religions and Political Religions: From Democratic Revolutions to Totalitarian States -- Chapter 3: The Leviathan as a Church: Totalitarianism and Political Religion -- Chapter 4: The Invasion of the Idols: Christians against Totalitarian Religions -- Chapter 5: Toward the Third Millennium: The Sacralization of Politics in States both New and Old
Chapter 6: Religions of Politics: Definitions, Distinctions, and Qualifications -- Notes
요약Emilio Gentile, an internationally renowned authority on fascism and totalitarianism, argues that politics over the past two centuries has often taken on the features of religion, claiming as its own the prerogative of defining the fundamental purpose and meaning of human life. Secular political entities such as the nation, the state, race, class, and the party became the focus of myths, rituals, and commandments and gradually became objects of faith, loyalty, and reverence. Gentile examines this "sacralization of politics," as he defines it, both historically and theoretically, seeking to identify the different ways in which political regimes as diverse as fascism, communism, and liberal democracy have ultimately depended, like religions, on faith, myths, rites, and symbols. Gentile maintains that the sacralization of politics as a modern phenomenon is distinct from the politicization of religion that has arisen from militant religious fundamentalism. Sacralized politics may be democratic, in the form of a civil religion, or it may be totalitarian, in the form of a political religion. Using this conceptual distinction, and moving from America to Europe, and from Africa to Asia, Gentile presents a unique comparative history of civil and political religions from the American and French Revolutions, through nationalism and socialism, democracy and totalitarianism, fascism and communism, up to the present day. It is also a fascinating book for understanding the sacralization of politics after 9/11.
일반주제명Ideology -- Political aspects.
Religion and politics.
Political psychology.
Ideology -- Political aspects
Political psychology
Religion and politics
기타형태 저록Print version:Gentile, EmilioPolitics As ReligionPrinceton : Princeton University Press,c20069780691113937


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