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The economics of belonging : a radical plan to win back the left behind and achieve prosperity for all /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Sandbu, Martin E., author.
서명/저자사항The economics of belonging :a radical plan to win back the left behind and achieve prosperity for all /Martin Sandbu.
발행사항Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2020]
형태사항1 online resource (297 pages)
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 072 - OCLC control number change

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기PART I. WHAT WENT WRONG? -- 1. The End of Belonging -- 2. Who Are the Left Behind? -- 3. Culture versus Economics -- 4. Half a Century of Policy Mistakes -- 5. Scapegoating Globalisation -- PART II. WHAT IS TO BE DONE? -- 6. Economics, Jobs, and the Art of Car Maintenance -- 7. Economic Policies for Empowerment -- 8. Macroeconomic Policy for the Left Behind -- 9. A Smarter Financial System -- 10. A Tax Policy for the Left Behind -- 11. Whose GDP? -- PART III. THE WAY FORWARD -- 12. Globalisation with a Human Face -- 13 Beyond Left and Right.
요약"This is a proposal for a short book (of around 50,000 words) that speaks directly to the state we are in. The populist insurgency on both sides of the Atlantic and in Europe has deep roots in decades of mismanagement of economic and cultural change and as a result there are large groups of people who feel they no longer belong to the societies they live in, the disinfranchised, the left behind. The appeal of the anti-liberal populists who have emerged is that they convince those who feel left behind that national leaders are no longer working in their interests hence the rhetoric of 'putting America first' and 'making America great again' or the Brexiteers claining that they are 'taking back control.' In undemocractic regimes elsewhere populists play on people's feelings of insecurity in an unpredictable and fast changing world, promising security and order in exchange for democratic freedom. Liberal openness has been put on the defensive so it is up to us, electorates, politicians and policy makers, to show how an open and liberal economic system can once again belong to everyone. In the second part of the book Martin Sandbu outlines four key areas of economic policy that he believes will address not just the symptoms but the underlying causes of the current inequality which has led to so many people, especially the young and the most vulnerable being left behind. These include productivity, regional development, improved access to business finance for SMEs, and increaed representation for workers. He makes a number of other recommendaitons regarding housing, education for all, universal basic income and taxation. He concludes by saying that while these proposals add up to a radical package in total they are necessary reforms to ensure a sense of belonging and without them we could be opening the door to a radicalism which is both illiberal and undemocratic"--
일반주제명Economic policy.
Economic history.
Economic policy.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Economics / Theory
주제명(지명)Western countries -- Economic conditions -- 21st century.Western countries. -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:Sandbu, MartinThe Economics of Belonging : A Radical Plan to Win Back the Left Behind and Achieve Prosperity for AllPrinceton : Princeton University Press,c2020


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